guild wars newcomer


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

hey guys, im looking to get into a new game and i've got my eyes on guild wars... i used to play wow casually.. could never get a character to 60 though.. started to feel like a second job rather than actual fun. i'm into pvp that relies more on skill, strategy, and teamwork, and that is what i hear guild wars has to offer.. i hope, anyway

well i was hoping someone could answer my questions about these different versions, guildwars, factions, and nightfall.. so the last 2 are expansions on the original guild wars content... and apparently they are stand alone. but, if say i just go and purchase nightfall, do i still have access to all the character classes in the other two versions? and what about items, zones, and skills?

theres no way im going to go buy all 3 which are all priced at like 50bucks canadian each..and i don't want to get just one and find the developers have crafted it in such a way that, yes you can play with just 1, but you're really kinda screwed unless you got all 3...

and are these expansions actually taking off with people? i don't want to get the latest one and then be restricted to content and stuff that no one else even plays cause the majority prefer the content in the older versions..

any insight would be appreciated,



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Since each campaign is stand alone you can only access the features of that chapter when you buy it. You get the six core classes, plus two additional classes in Factions and Nightfall. Same with skills, each campaign has its unique skillset, and they fill eachother out the more campaigns you have.

If you want to play with people, then get the newest campaign. It has the most players at the moment. There are still players in the older chapters, but not nearly as many.

I'd say it like this;
Prophecies - best (by miles), but low playerbase since most people have gone to the other campaigns by now
Factions - horrible, unless you want to PvP, then it's ok
Nightfall - best buy (at the moment), you'll get heroes to help in PvE, and you get a decently sized game.

None of them have grind, so if you're tired of that then GW might be an option.


Join Date: Dec 2005




If you really want to PvP softcore...then you should buy Prophecies for sure.
If you really want to PvP all 3.
If you really want to PvP for fun....Nightfall should do, there's plenty of people playing that, and you got access to heroes (Costumizable Henchmen)

GW's main playerbase will buy every chapter, or at least every other chapter. ( Due to 2 development teams, who "finish" their product with another emphasis )

If you buy any of the chapters, you get at least these professions: Ranger, Warrior, Mesmer, Elementalist, Necromancer, Monk.

With Factions, you get an Assassin and a Ritualist.
With Nightfall, you get a Paragon and a Dervish.

If you buy one of the chapters, you get access to that storyline, the main PvP island ( same for all chapters ) and Fissure of Woe and the Underworld, 2 dungeons.
If you buy one of the chapters, you get the core skillset, and the additional skills fit for that chapter. For real PvP, buy all chapters. ( I believe you can buy a pvp edition too, in the online store , try to find more info on that )

Sir Mad

Sir Mad

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Moe's Pub

Pigs Can Fly [Pigs]


I agreee with To add to his post: we have two kinds of characters in GW: PvE characters, and PvP only characters (PvE chars can of course do PvP too). PvP characters start at level 20 (the max level), but cannot leave the PvP islands. They can use any skill or weapon you have unlocked. There are 2 different ways of unlocking stuff: either in PvE (you unlock a skill when you learn it, and unlock weapon/mods when you find them) or in PvP (you get "factions" for winning a game, that you can use to unlock skills or items).

PvP editions of GW come with eveything unlocked for the chapter (all the skills, and, I believe, weapons, mods, armors, etc.), but you won't be able to play PvE at all (the PvE editions cost only 10 more bucks and you have access to everything but you don't have anything unlocked).