is it possible to equip multiple elite skills to a character?
and wut do i do with juni berries?
elite skills
reaper cryz
The only time you can have more than one elite skill on your skill bar is when you have one on it + a signet of capture. Once you Capture an elite skill with the sig., you'll have 2 elites on your bar -UNTIL you enter a different zone/ town / whatever. In theory, you can have 8 elites if you start with the 1 + 7 signets, but the downside of that is obvious and there's only one place where there might be enough elites to fill your bar with them - Perdition rock in Prophecies.
There is no known use for them at this time. But, there have been hints that there will be a use for them soon, so don't trash them.
There is no known use for them at this time. But, there have been hints that there will be a use for them soon, so don't trash them.
You can have more from a few mesmer skills. arcane mimicry copies your allies skill if its related to your prof.
As for the 8 sig idea. i'm pretty sure your only going to run acroos about 2 or three bosses that you can cap from a map.
As for the 8 sig idea. i'm pretty sure your only going to run acroos about 2 or three bosses that you can cap from a map.
I was tryin to get hold of 2 elite skills but as Kook said if you enter the town, zone and so on you can carry only one elite skill. I wish GW company allow us to carry mutilful elite skills in PvE mode.
The second one on your bar only disappears if you enter town. Not another explorable.
Originally Posted by Etrik
The second one on your bar only disappears if you enter town. Not another explorable.
Originally Posted by nbajammer
That's incorrect. If you have 1 elite + signet of capture, and you cap an elite with it, then zone to an adjacent explorable, you will have only 1 elite on, and 1 empty space.
Originally Posted by Spader
As for the 8 sig idea. i'm pretty sure your only going to run acroos about 2 or three bosses that you can cap from a map.
Originally Posted by mkool
I was tryin to get hold of 2 elite skills but as Kook said if you enter the town, zone and so on you can carry only one elite skill. I wish GW company allow us to carry mutilful elite skills in PvE mode.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Spader
You can have more from a few mesmer skills. arcane mimicry copies your allies skill if its related to your prof.
As for the 8 sig idea. i'm pretty sure your only going to run acroos about 2 or three bosses that you can cap from a map. |
In Perdition Rock in the Ring of Fire islands theres atleast 2 elites for every class. Most have THREE possible spawns there.
He brought a Monk/mesmer with only 2 skills: Word of Healing, and Arcane Echo. Filled the rest with Cap Sigs.
He capped like 5 elites from the area, then he arcane echo'ed one of them - BAM 7 elites.
8 would be EXTREMELY lucky in this situation though, since most bosses there share spawn points so getting all of them for the two classes to spawn is luck.
I hate the fact of when you go to an explorable area, while already having an elite skill equipped, capping another elite skill, and then walk into another explorable area, the second elite will be removed.
On the other side, I like using multiple elite skills when fighting. By example. A few days ago I was skill capping in peridition rock. i first capped echo, and together with arcane echo and spiteful spirit you an do very nice things, like this
On the other side, I like using multiple elite skills when fighting. By example. A few days ago I was skill capping in peridition rock. i first capped echo, and together with arcane echo and spiteful spirit you an do very nice things, like this