lvl20 on noob island?

Legendary Ruler

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

I was wondering, if you are lvl20 on noob island (NF.) Would you still be able to leave it? because i notice you are not able to get sunspear points from the guards if you are at lvl20. I did all the quest but i can't find anymore quest that give out sunspear points. So im pretty much stuck on the primary quest "The Honorable General."

Been looking around for more quest that give sunspear points but unable to find anymore. Im stuck at Sunspear Master Sergeant (2) 110 promotion points.

reaper cryz

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006



try going to other outposts?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by Legendary Ruler
I was wondering, if you are lvl20 on noob island (NF.) Would you still be able to leave it? because i notice you are not able to get sunspear points from the guards if you are at lvl20. I did all the quest but i can't find anymore quest that give out sunspear points. So im pretty much stuck on the primary quest "The Honorable General."

Been looking around for more quest that give sunspear points but unable to find anymore. Im stuck at Sunspear Master Sergeant (2) 110 promotion points.
Try going further south/southeast on the island... Even level 20:s can get
blessings there.

Legendary Ruler

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Jelloblimp
Try going further south/southeast on the island... Even level 20:s can get
blessings there.
Cool, i'll try that.


Legendary Ruler

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

hmm, still can't find a guard that will give me blessings.

This is what they say to me when i talk to them.

"I wouldn't want to impose on someone of your reputation with a small job like this. Have a good day."


"Ahai! I didn't expect to meet you out here! Kormir sent me out to deal with the skale. A minor problem; nothing big enough to merit your attention."

I took a screen shot of where i been.




Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



You're missing Beknur Harbor and the other southern regions. You should go into the Issur Isles then Kodlonu Hamlet and then Mehtani Keys.
See the portal at the bottom areas of Cliffs of Dohjok? Enter that.

Legendary Ruler

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by Shadowfox1125
You're missing Beknur Harbor and the other southern regions. You should go into the Issur Isles then Kodlonu Hamlet and then Mehtani Keys.
See the portal at the bottom areas of Cliffs of Dohjok? Enter that.
It won't let me go threw that portal, for some reason.

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


I've heard of a few people with this problem,
Seems basically that until you have done some of the later missions, the southern parts of Istan are blocked off to you.
I hope it isn't the case, but I think you're screwed..

Legendary Ruler

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

when i try to enter says the place is undercontrol so im unable to enter.

That pisses me off if i have to start all over.

Anyone wanna try to teleport me threw it? lol


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006



you need to do the primary missions to the storyline to open up those areas from memory the next one is at jokanur diggings

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


I know It's not really that many quests to run through, but the game isn't designed for someone to run through and powergrind their way to 20 like that...If you just play through the missions and quests, you will level to 20 fast enough without the tedious grinding. I know that doesn't help much.

donaldbrooke, I think to enter jokanur diggings mission you need a certain number of sunspear points..can't remember the exact number.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006



How many missions do I have to go though to on the noobie land?

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


here is the other thread where it was discussd - OP had the same problem

Legendary Ruler

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

I did all the damn quest nothing else for me to do. Im stuck on the primary quest because i can't get sunspear points... No one will bless me! DAMN THEM BASTARDS!!!!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006



One thing I can suggest you is delete curr. char. and start all over again.
My current status of sunspear points is 534 + and Char lvl 14. I'm still find more quest but anyway I finished 2 main missions and some quests. I just wondered how many main mission do I have to do and get into the mainland.



Join Date: Aug 2006

Yeah, you got screwed over... if you reach level 20 before getting to those southern outposts, there is no way to get sunspear points, and you need them to progress. Game over :-(



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


None atm


Why would you try to get to level 20 and not take any of the bounties? It's plain stupid, you get 2x more exp via bounties too, so taking them would help you get 20 earlier. People, -.-



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


I fear Grind... so I try to do only what is needed to progress and then grind if I want to later. Right now mapping is the tedious thing I am doing... gonna try to get a Master Cartographer and if possible Grand Master Cartographer.

But on topic... I would say the game is bugged now for you...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


No you're not stuck.. on your map the Consulate Docks mission is flashing. Just go there and start the mission.

If the problem isn't as simple as that:
a) is your character local or foreign (to Elona)
b) if the character is local, are you actually level 20?



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


I would think you are missing some of the quests and the one in the Great Hall and did you get your first set of 15 attribute points.I would go and check some of the areas and The Australium as a npc who gives out like 6 of them.Did you do the Joknor Diggens mission that sents you to the southern keys and you don't have Blacktide Den.

Legendary Ruler

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

I just deleted him, and remade a new one..

I got the 15 point attribute quest. Got my secondary prof. Reason docks was blinking prob because i got a ferry there. I ran threw every part of the map. Picked up the last couple quest and there was a couple other ones but they didn't have sunspear points connected to them. Did them anyways but after the quest it led to a deadend.

Guess i should of spent more time worry about the sunspear points than leveling up.

Still dunno why that happend. oh, well!


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006


Rule Thirty Four [prOn]


You're completely stuck and it's kinda your own fault for not taking any blessings, sigh.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



You *have* to take the blessings while you are out exploring and leveling up, otherwise you run out of quests, etc and get stuck at a Sunspear rank that is too low to progress into Jokanur while your character's level is too high to get blessings from the areas you have access to. Voila! You get stuck.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Trans Tasman Alliance [TTA]


Surely it can't be an intended feature of the game to have people permanently stuck somewhere... why don't you file a bug report and hope ANet fixes it eventually?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006


Ordo Chaotika


I'd say it's more of a flawed game design. For a clueless player, one may not know that bounties were required. I have some friends who started GW (with NF as the starting chapter) actually doing that and were trying to grind to level 20 on the small island. Not really the fault of the players, NF can be quite confusing for a player who doesn't keep track of "!" on top of NPCs' heads.

I think it's better for ANet to capture the exception, perhaps by adding more quests at Jokanur Diggings or Kamadan so that those players can still earn their Sunspears at level 20 and even when they can't go through Blacktide Den or Bekanur Harbor.

@ OP:

Perhaps it's better for you to file a bug report to ANet, this looks like an exception that they may not know about.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


dude i didnt do any quests on the island till i was r6 sunspear



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Bad advice = deletion. Please don't try to help someone out if you don't know what you're talking about, such as attempting to do Consulate Docks before you have the appropriate primary quest, as you cannot.

Batou of Nine

Batou of Nine

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

California, USA

Angel Sharks [AS] (RiP [KaiZ] T__T")


Umm... 1 point out of my many points was wrong. So that somehow voids the rest of my advice? I guess no good deed goes unpunished eh?

Anywhoo, to the OP, sorry you had to end up deleting, best of luck in the rest of the game!




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

A Galaxy Far Far Away


Originally Posted by Jelloblimp
Try going further south/southeast on the island... Even level 20:s can get
blessings there.
Not true. I am currently R6 (Commander) & lvl18. I haven't been able to get any bounties since I hit R6 (~ lvl17).
So as long as you are under R6 you should be able to get bounties to lvl20.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

Can you tell us how you got to level 20 without doing Jokanur Diggings and not taking any bounties at all? If you had done just a few of them there should have been enough quests to carry on and once you clear Jokanur there should be plenty of quests and the southern areas open.

The other thread the individual in question was really secretive about how they did it. Since the game obviously pushes you away from this (there are only one or two quests that spawn a few enemies at a high enough level to even come close to doing this) you most likely used an exploit. While most of the time that works just fine (and some may even eventually be officially endorsed like getting level 20 in pre-searing), you never know what will happen by doing so.

I hope you didn't loose too much time over it. I know that can be frustrating - especially if it took a lot of grind to do.

dr love

dr love in denial

Join Date: Sep 2006


starcraft 2


you can get ferried to tyria/cantha i think.
get lvl 20 there
come back to elona = screwed!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

The OP was not stuck. I created an Elona character. Ferried myself to Cantha where I very quickly leveled myself to 20 then went back to Elona. Went about my business on the primary mission line without a hitch. You can get the required sunspear points for the primary mission line by doing all the quests available. The OP did not do the diggins mission thus could get into blacktide den which after doing that mission open up the other southern region. Other than the exploit to ferry to docks there is no "hacking" involved. But since he deleted his character anyway there is no longer a point to find out what he is missing to continue (like did he know he has to talk to the npc in diggins to enter the mission?). Anyways, just my 2cents.