I have two questions on Elonian No Requirement shields (don't require Tactics, Strength, Motivation, or Command)
1) What is the maximum armor one of these shields can have?
2) Can one of these shields have an inscription slot?
No Requirement Shields
Ariena Najea
Former Ruling
10 Armor is the max for no requirement shields.
I've never SEEN one iwth an inscription slot, but they very well probably exist, would be hard to find since people consider non-max things merchant food.
I've never SEEN one iwth an inscription slot, but they very well probably exist, would be hard to find since people consider non-max things merchant food.
Ariena Najea
Alright thank you for the help!
I'll be looking for one of these in the Buy Forum =D
I'll be looking for one of these in the Buy Forum =D
the only 10 armor shields I know of are the candy cane shields and the one green shield.
its better to buy a 16def high req shield to use on your monk, thus the +10vs type mods come in handy and the +30 health.
if you do not meet the requirement for shield ie 13 str 16 armor you still receive 8 armor.
I have a Gingerbread shield and peppermint shield from last years christmas if you have trouble finding a 10 no req shield.
as far as the 10 no req inscribable shields, i've never seen nor hear of one. I doubt they exist
its better to buy a 16def high req shield to use on your monk, thus the +10vs type mods come in handy and the +30 health.
if you do not meet the requirement for shield ie 13 str 16 armor you still receive 8 armor.
I have a Gingerbread shield and peppermint shield from last years christmas if you have trouble finding a 10 no req shield.
as far as the 10 no req inscribable shields, i've never seen nor hear of one. I doubt they exist
Got a 10AL, no req inscribable shield on NF noobie island, but I sold it :S
Ariena Najea
If any of you do find another one, I'm buying here: