Dye on my sin armor - opinions please

Zeek Aran

Zeek Aran

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Earth, sadly



Female sin, silver hair; the kind with the big hair accessory.

Imperial 1.k set with 15k chest piece. [dyed purple]

Kurzick 15k set with the 1.5k Imperial leggings from above armor. [undyed]

And soon I will buy the Ancient armor from NF.

D: I really want something dyed white for the 'white dressed assassin' look because something sneaky dressed so brightly is ironic. I will most likely put it on my Imperial set since it looks bac on Kurzick. Also, I don't know what dyes look like on Ancient. Money isn't a problem for me (but I'm not the type to spam my characters with black dye just because it's black dye), and if any of you have some screenshots of your dyed armors (of the above sets) please post them or post your opinion.

^-^ Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Pfft. Not many female sins compared to male in the first link that I already posted in. The main reason for this thread is for opinions spoken.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



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