Help how do I get back on track with the game?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Ascended Ascalon Warriors


Ok I need some help I did the mission “Centaur Blackmail” then got the mission “Mysterious Message”. When I was talking to the whisper guy he said
“Either journey with me to open the only passage to Vabbi or go with my corsair to rescue your friend. I believe you know her... Margrid the Sly.”
I have beat the nightfall with my MM already so I took the corsair to rescue your friend mission.

Now here is my problem after I beat the corsair to rescue your friend mission I am left with NO Quests or missions? I have when back to the cities I have on the map and no one has a green ! over there head. And I do not have a mission to take me to the next city. I run to the next city Kodonur Crossroads and Rilohn Refuge. But I can not get the mission at these cities.

Help how do I get back on track with the game?
Thank you for your time



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Nightfall mission sequence and common problems

This gets asked a lot. Closed.