New to Guild wars, and i have a few questions

g-wars noob

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Random Beating Service


Hi, I'm sort of new to Guild Wars, and I just had a few questions to ask about it.

First off, I have a few Purple Items that i got from Steel Chests and Ascalon Chests, and i was wondering if they are worth more then blue items, and if I should sell them to other players, salvage them, or sell them to a merchant? I have quite a few and I don't know what to do with them.

I was also wondering if GW Factions and Nightfall are expansions to Prophices, or if I can just install Nightfall without the original version of Guild Wars.

Another, How do I get to Elona and Cantha?

Last, I have some crafting materials that I got from salvaging other items. Should I sell them to the material trader, merchants, or other players?

Thanks to anyone that can help me.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Reapers of Solace


First off, Hi and welcome to the world of Guild Wars, and GWG.

In order from rarest to most common is:
Gold -> Purple -> Blue -> White

White and Blue items are mostly sold to the merchant as they do not have much value. Purple items and gold items are usually kept and sold to players unless it has really crap stats.

Green items are unique items that bosses drop.

Factions and Nightfall can be played as standalone games, but you can add them to your account so that your characters will have access to all campaigns. (To do this, click "Create Account or Add Access Key" at the login screen. Choose to add an access key and type in your key.)

Characters wishing to travel to Cantha for the first time from Tyria should seek out Firstwatch Sergio in Lion's Arch and take the "Mhenlo's Request" quest.

Characters wishing to travel to Elona for the first time from Tyria should seek out Lionguard Figo in Lion's Arch and take the "Sunspears in Kryta" quest.

You should open a Materials Storage for 50g at a Xunlai Representative to store your materials. You may need them later to craft armour.

A good source for all the info you need is the GuildWiki:
Hope you enjoy playing

g-wars noob

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Random Beating Service


What Level should I start Mhenlo's Request and Sunspears in Kryta at?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

It'd be best to take them at level 18 at least, 20 at best. Especially in Cantha things start out really hard so you'll be better off being a higher level. Though to go to Cantha you'll need GW Factions and to go to Elona you'll need GW Nightfall.

g-wars noob

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Random Beating Service


Alright, thanks for all the help.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Good thorough answers. I might add that storing materials (as is or from salvaging) will make you more poor than you already are as there's no other way to get cash to advance your characters. So if you're fine taking the slow route of things and hope they are worth something later on. Yes, you could see what materials are worth saving and cash in on others..or try your luck at selling to other people (which will take a while because there's no people in the beginning cities..and if there are, they don't have money either!

This game needs personal shops/stores so people can browse your products without you having to spam in towns constantly.


Chasing Dragons

Join Date: May 2005

Lost in La-La Land



Well, Nightfall puts you off in Kamadan, so you can go there as soon as you wish. Kamadan is a low level area, so you won't be in over your head like you would in Cantha. Also, the quest has a mini-mission type sequence with high-level monsters that may be discouraging. However, it is possible to sneak around them somewhat and only kill one at a time and only if you have to kill them.