Question about storage and order...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Athens, Hellas


Hello everyone :-)

I am sure that most of you who play heroes will have encountered the problem that I am going to mention.
As if it wasn't enough that we had to have sets of armors and sets of weapons according to the particular build and mission for ourselves, now we have to do it for our heroes as well !!!

Don't get me wrong! I don't complain. I love Heroes. I believe that it was a great addition to the game. But I believe that they forgot to put in, some kind of storage for heroes items.

1. Has anyone heard anything about this?
2. How do you usually deal with this issue? How and where do you store the different weapons, offhands for you and your heroes, and armor for you?
3. How do you categorize your armor and the runes on them? Do you dye them in different colors?

I also noticed that there is a way to store a template for weapons. Isn't there?

4. How do you use the template for weapons/equipments to store the different setups for your characters or heroes?
5. How do you name them? Do you use a certain naming procedure for templates for builds or / and equipment?
6. What do you do in general with storage issues? Do you have characters that you use as storage? Maybe for greens other for purples and so on...

I just want to hear your ideas, because if we all share we might find an idea that will help us more that what we've been doing so far.

Guys, thank you all in advance.
Have a great holiday season

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


You don't need to store armour for your heroes. You can't upgrade the stats on it apart from runes/insignias, the armour itself does not need to be upgraded as the AL goes up as the hero levels.
Weapons, well I only have one set for each hero. Only my main characters have more than one weapon set.
I am not aware of a template for weapons, I only use them for skills/attributes.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Athens, Hellas


Well I do know that I can't have armor sets for my heroes. That is why in my question I mention about armor set for you and not your heroes.

Anyway.. as I was reading about storage problems and Ideas, I read about the storing of runed bags that could hold 10 items, in you storage and then dying them differently so that you have different storage categories.

problem is that I tried to do it and it doesn't work! Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?

I can put a runed bag in Xunlai storage, but I can't take out a bag that has items and put it in storage. Has this issue been nurfed?




Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

The problem is that the person who posted about that a while back was wrong; he hadn't even tried it himself. You can't make more storage that way.

Keira Darkwind

Keira Darkwind

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Clan Arthur


Originally Posted by ermns
As if it wasn't enough that we had to have sets of armors and sets of weapons according to the particular build and mission for ourselves, now we have to do it for our heroes as well !!!
I thought from this sentence that you thought you had to keep different armour sets for your heroes in your inventory as well.
Anyway yeah, I don't store lots of different weapons for heroes. Just the ones I use myself and the heroes weapons I don't change around...they just have one set they use all the time.
As far as my own armour I have 2 sets, one for normal play and one for farming with extra sup runes. I have the normal set dyed purple and my farming set is gray (haven't bothered dying it since no one else sees it really! I do think storage has improved since we can now store our materials but it is not enough, need to be able to store more than 250.



Walking Wiki

Join Date: Nov 2006

Isle of Medication

Visitors from Aranna [VFA]


What I do to solve the issue of limited storage is to travel light. One set of armor, one weapon setup. Same goes for any heroes I'm dragging around with me as well - if something isn't already equipped and not a necessity like an ID/salvage kit or quest item, it gets sold off at the earliest opportunity. Dyes, crafting materials and items that I want to transfer (the latter of which are few and far between) go into the storage vault. And I've never had a single problem with storage space, ever


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Athens, Hellas


Thank you guys for your suggestions.

It would be really cool if you could store the full bags in your storage. :-)

Since nobody had mentioned anything yet about the Equipment templates, I would like to ask it again. When you go to the templates manager (By pressing "K" and then clicking on the blue disk, and choose "Manage Templates" you will see that there are 2 tabs: "Skills" and "Equipment".

How do you save to the Equipment Template? Does anyone know?

Thanks again. :-)



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

The equipment templates are for PvP-only characters who can create weapons at will.