I understand that one reason people buy the expensive armors is to show off. Wrong. Its the only reason people buy expensive armour. It has no other benefit over thestandard variant. |
But no way is it ok to lag everyone else's game just to try to force strangers into seeing your armor at higher res. Then read the topic and stop being ignorant. I wanted the OPTION to see othe armour at a passable resolution , at a level which accurately represents what the designer intended - not a mass of pixels. |
However, your complaint is about how others see your armor, not how you see theirs. That calls for a fixed setting - how is absolutely everyone in a town with you going to be forced to see your armor at high res unless this increased armor res is global? If I could turn the option off ... I'd still be thinking you look awful!!!

You want the fancy, cool, expensive armor? Great, you got it. It looks pretty for you, as it should, since you paid for it. If you want to show it off to friends, go for it! Form a team and go outside, telling everyone to max out their graphics. Stand in outposts spamming something like "GLF ppl to step outside and check out my cool new armor!" Ok this comment is rather dumb imho. Why dont you mention things that actually happen. If someone spams that, WILL YOU actually go outside to check it out? No I thought not. |

As for your question, would I do that? Well, if it's an armor I'm interested in, yeah! But usually, no, I won't. And I'm in the category of people that really aren't all that interested in fancy armors, especially in towns. Other people with priorities more like yours, might jump at the chance. Have you even tried?
You want strangers to oogle it? Take high res screenies, in a great setting with great lighting and post them in the armor galleries on the fansites. (The people that would really be checking out others' armor in a town are more likely to go there anyway.) Guildwiki already does that -that doesnt excuse what would otherwise be beautiful armour being a mess of pixels in non combat areas. I'm not only talking about mine , but clearly from the comments - Obsidian is one of the worst rendered. |
I'd bet cash money that the majority of people interested in the "elite" armor skins study the images on fansites (like wiki, and like the galleries here) a lot longer than any time they spend trying to catch glimpses of each art in outposts.
The suggestion that ANet effectively up the required hardware and add to everyone's lag so the world might see your armor in towns is, at best, very poorly thought out, and at worst, incredibly self-centered. This thread both shocks and disappoints me. Read what I've posted before. I think Its sad that people like you are happy with horrible resolution of your armour - but others are not. If it shocks and disappoints you than simply dont read it. And no I think its fair that the "world" sees armour as its designed , sometimes low resolution IS sufficient for this - other times it is clearly and obviously not. If you lag than either buy a better video card , or keep your settings to how they would be now. |
And I would gladly not have kept reading it ... if it hadn't looked like the beginnings of a petition to ANet to for a change, a change that is in my opinion a terrible idea.
Has it occurred to you that no matter how high the resolution, "cool armor" is still just a matter of opinion? Even at high res, some people find the obsidian armors silly looking, some people find the 15k armors a lot worse looking than many of the 1.5k choices.
Whatever will you do if, even at high res, some people still hold the opinion that your armor is really fugly?
Honestly, many many grats on your snazzy new armor, and I hope you continue to enjoy looking at it. But Please!!! Enjoy your armor because you like it, and stop worrying so over what it looks like to everyone in towns - the vast majority of them aren't looking at you anyway.