My computer keeps shutting down while playing GW. The screen will just go black and then I hear short kinda low beeps coming from the tower. I have to manually shut it off, and then restart it. There is no particular time it takes to do it, could be anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 hours. And it is not any particular event in GW that triggers it.
It is a computer I built myself over 2 years ago, and have just recently started having this problem, with in the last month.
It has a 1.1 gb amd atholon processor. It has a geforce fx5200 64 mb. It has 768 mb of ram. I am on a cable connection through a 5 port linksys nh1005 hub.
I am running windows xp. I never have any other problems except when I am playing GW. I thought that since I hadn't formatted it in along time, that perhaps there was some conflicts going on, so I formatted it, and reinstalled. I did a bare minimum install. Just installed the necessary programs that I needed so as to try to eliminate any conflicts GW might be having with back ground programs. But it still happens. I didn't even install my anti-virus yet, and I have only the programs that are absolutley necessary to run windows start at start up.
So it has to be something to do with GW. However I have no idea what that could be. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
im sure u mean 1.1ghz amd cpu not gb 
how are your temperatures? sounds like maybe ur pc is overheating and shutting itself down.

how are your temperatures? sounds like maybe ur pc is overheating and shutting itself down.
err yes I mean ghz :P . This is what I am suspecting, but since it makes me reboot, I am not sure what the temperature is at the time it shuts down. Is there any way to check that, is there some place in windows where it logs this type of information?
Look up the manual for your motherboard online, there should be a list of what the different beeps mean. That should help narrow down what the problem is.
I got these tips from Maximum PC. Over time dust can collect on heatsinks and other parts of the inside of the computer. These parts must be periodicaly cleaned with compressed air (can buy it at almost any computer shop in cans). Due to the buildup of dust it may be causing a heat issue and seeing as it only just started after several years of service I believe this is the cause. Just take the side panel off the case and look at the heatsinks for all of your parts. If they are covered in dust then that is the problem. Just clean them off. They suggested another thing to do also which is reseating the cpu's heatsink. Take it off clean the heatsink and cpu of all the old thermal compound, reapply new thermal compound and put the heatsinc back on.
Hope these help out,
Mega Mouse
Hope these help out,
Mega Mouse
Note the series of beeps that emit from your case. At the moment there could be an intermittent problem with a component, possibly heat related. You can find your BIOS version using dxdiag (Start->Run->dxdiag->OK) and then find the fault codes online using Google.