My first post so don't be hateing. I have farmed Torment and Desolation area for 4 days straight. Used up about 200 of each type of key. Still not even a purple ele sword. Is there something I'm doing wrong. Do they only come from chests during certain quests. I understand thr drop rate is very low, but come on 200 keys of each type and nothing. Can someone Help me out with a good area. I dont want one for sale I want it for myself.
Thank You.
Elemental Swords
Draccor The Great
It is meant to be rare. If you can get it with 200 keys people won't be selling them for 100K + XXX ectos.
Hi, there are already a few threads about where elemental swords drop, which you can find by using search:
Search: elemental sword drop
Please use search first and ask in the right forum. Closed.
Search: elemental sword drop
Please use search first and ask in the right forum. Closed.