i was trying to do nolani academy mission and when i was getting near the end of the mission prince rurik got stuck behind a chest
quite annoying
he refuses to move, if u talk to him he looks the other side but he's still stuck behind the chest
Sophitia Leafblade
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Nov 2005
Dragon Slayer Guild [DSG]
11 Dec 2006 at 11:18 - 2
You can complete the mission anyways if hes already gone past the Wall. Since u can kill the boss by taking the left path instead of ruriks right path, this makes the mission considerably faster too.
Gen Saver
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Apr 2006
Banished Dragons (BaD)
11 Dec 2006 at 11:35 - 3
don't think so cause the mission objective of escorting rurik to the village hasn't been done yet and so the mission objective to kill the boss did not came up yet
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Nov 2005
The Netherlands
11 Dec 2006 at 11:44 - 4
Does this happen every time?? Afaik chests spawn randomly over the maps, so i assume that chest isnt there every try...
But yes, those "something gets stuck" is very annoying... while playing Nightfall there is always 1 pet that gets stuck behind an npc near the shrines (usually priests). Very annoying indeed
Mentalist Ellie
Join Date: Nov 2006
11 Dec 2006 at 12:24 - 5
I had that happen once in that same mission. A chest spawned right in teh middle of the path just before the warrior golem boss.