If this is the wrong thread, apologies in advance (I *did* have a look around to see the best forum for it, honest!).
Anyways-I'm looking at dying my assassin armour. Black is out, because I'm bored with it. Anyone got good mixes?
I'm not entirely sure where this goes (Assassin dye mixes)
silver and red yo!
Try the assassin's skill colors. Red and Purple ^_^
gogo white dye!
Thorondor Port
iCe X
Have to be Black!!! You are suppose to blend with the shadow... how can u be in raindow colors

I base my character colours off their profession.
An assasin has to be dark coloured, black is ideal.
My Dervish is in Primeval armour, and dyed white. I get constant spams saying - HaHa, Dervish is dyed white etc.
The reasons I chose white are
a) Everyone has black.
b) Dervish's are meant to be holy warriors. White represents holy.
c) White also represents Death. Not only black you know!
So I went with white.
On the other hand, sometimes I just go with what looks nice.
My 15k Necrotic is an orange mix, just because it looks cool.
And my 15k Kurzick rit is a dark blue colour, just because Kurzick are blue. Just try and make your own mind up
An assasin has to be dark coloured, black is ideal.
My Dervish is in Primeval armour, and dyed white. I get constant spams saying - HaHa, Dervish is dyed white etc.
The reasons I chose white are
a) Everyone has black.
b) Dervish's are meant to be holy warriors. White represents holy.
c) White also represents Death. Not only black you know!
So I went with white.
On the other hand, sometimes I just go with what looks nice.
My 15k Necrotic is an orange mix, just because it looks cool.
And my 15k Kurzick rit is a dark blue colour, just because Kurzick are blue. Just try and make your own mind up

I've settled on grey for now-it looks rather snazzy actually.