Ambrace Of Truth
ive recently checked out the domain of anguish ( stupidly hard btw ) and saw an AMAZING bow that i need an ambrace of truth for a tormentor bow. people have said that it costs 100 gems ( 25 of each!) and was wondering if its true and if anyone has any evidence or is close to getting one , and if it does require all those gems , how do you convert them into an ambrace
Ty from Taurus

Knightsaber Sith
It is true. There's a crafter that will give you an ambrance of truth for 25 of each of the 4 gems. But, the coffer of whispers requires only 1 of each of the 4 gems. The contents of the coffer is random and could be as good as an ambrance of truth or a mallyx minipet; or it could be as bad as an xp scroll.
Ok...now I'm intrigued by this. I haven't bothered with the whole DoA stuff yet (just haven't had motivation or time yet), but does anybody have one that wouldn't mind posting a screenshot (or any of the Tormented stuff)? I wouldn't mind seeing one to see if it is actually something worth going after once I get around to doing DoA.
Venus was her name
seems a bit crazy just for a gold 15^50 "tormented" sword probally quicker to buy one from somebody (let them do the hard work) lol
i havnt done much DoA yet, are these gems a common drop?? comparible maybe in drop rate to obby shards?
i havnt done much DoA yet, are these gems a common drop?? comparible maybe in drop rate to obby shards?
gems can be really rare to drop, myself: i go stygian trapping for gems there, stygian gems arent as rare as maybe titan gems ( and are reflected by the price ; stygian gems = 20-30k , titan gems = 100k+10-50 ectos :O ), not that i know about a coffer of whispers ill probs spend all my cash one one
and then do a bit of praying to Anet hehe. (titan gems are really rare , and stupidly hard to get lol ) BUT tormentor items look SOOOOO cool hehe
. btw comparaing drop rates: the group might get 1/3 stygian gems + maybe a green stygian item, on a 2 hourish run trapping stygian :P gems are hard and will definately give you somit to do
(thanks for the help btw , if any1 wants to post some screenies go ahead, im a dunce n dont know how lol )

Well, luck would have it that this will soon change with the upcoming update. Double gem drops and Ambrace reduced to 15 of each. However, due to the lack of players actually participating in the DoA, dont know how much impact it will have on prices.
i would say more frequent gem drops would be better and a lower gem intake for an ambrace is also better (12 million to get 1 weapon is completely stupid
) , it took me about 4 hours tonight to get 3 torment gems in a 6 man party whilst doing one section of the mallyx quest. i would like to get the full mallyx quest done so i can obtain 1 set of gems
. if any1 is also saving for an ambrace or has risked their money on a coffer of whispers post here

now wasted 3/4 sets of gems on coffers to see what i could get
1= 5 titan gems
2= 5 elixers
3= primeval armour remnants
4= another 5 elixers
all i wanted was a minipet

1= 5 titan gems
2= 5 elixers

3= primeval armour remnants
4= another 5 elixers

all i wanted was a minipet

I wonder how long it took that guy to get the gems? I reckon it was a guild combined effort to get all those gems either that or a real rich player. I don't think there has been enough time to gather that many gems and even then they were decreased to help people acheive them.
the gems are spposed to be rare and in due time they will become more common as more team builds find ways to farm them