Prophecies - Factions Relation Question

Demmin Nas

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Netherlands

Victory is Life Eternal [VILE]



Have been playing Factions for some time now... bought Nightfall recently and now I bought Prophecies as well... got a question though... I understand that if you start Prophecies with a new character, you start in Ascalon... but I wanna use my Factions Character and so I start in Kryta, near the 8th Story Mission... I would really like to do the Ascalon Part and the First 7 missions as well though... is there any way for me to get there with this character... part of the reason I wanna know is that I just wanna play every part of this great trilogy, another part is that I really want all my Protector Titles

Thanks in advance!!



Join Date: Dec 2005




You can run there, or get a runner. My assassin is Protector of Tyria, so it's possible for sure.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mystical Chaos


Yes, you can get a run from LA to Ascalon. I ran my sin to Ascalon as soon as she reached Kaineng just to have it mapped out.

Demmin Nas

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Netherlands

Victory is Life Eternal [VILE]


But doesn't that mean that the Story Missions are not necessarily done in Chronological order?? So I could just do the final mission right away? Not that I want to, just to sort it out...


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


yeah prophecies is different than factions in a sense that you dont have to do all the primary quests and missions in order to advance. . . but you DO need to do thunderhead keep to get to the ring of fire, and that one krytan mission to get to the desert



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006



yes, there are no gates in Tyria. you need to do some missions though. Thunder head keep is one of them, that's in the Shiverpeaks, and you need to do that to get to te RoF islands, where the final missions take place.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

Originally Posted by Demmin Nas
But doesn't that mean that the Story Missions are not necessarily done in Chronological order?? So I could just do the final mission right away? Not that I want to, just to sort it out...
That is correct. Well, partially correct.

If you do the storyline from beginning to end, it's easy to see where the next mission is (ie, follow the primary quests). Sometimes one mission ends in the town where the next one begins.

However, unlike Factions or Nightfall, there are no prerequisites to doing ANY of the Tyrian missions, other than getting to the town where they begin.

(There are ones you cannot get "run" to but need to do the previous mission for just to physically get there. Such as, Dragon's Lair you need to have ascended, the Fire Island missions you need to have done the Thunderhead Keep mission.)

Demmin Nas

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Netherlands

Victory is Life Eternal [VILE]


Thanks for all the info people...guess I am going to spend my time running to the first mission location in Ascalon to truly appreciate the storyline



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

The only way to truly appreciate it is to start a Prophecies character in pre-searing.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

All over the place

Broken Circle


I'd say just start a prophecies character. While it's entirely possible to do all the mssions in order with a factions character, you'll miss out on presearing, which is one of the most fun areas in all three chapters IMO.


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


The OP wants the protector title for his/her character too. I'm thinking title greater than presearing for his/her current character.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I think the trouble you'll have is finding all the missions and doing them in order. As a foreign character, you won't get any of the quests, not even primaries, offered in the areas before Kryta. Those primary quests lead you to the missions. Some Tyrian missions do leave you in the next mission outpost upon completion; others leave you in a non-mission outpost and give you a primary quest to follow to the next mission.

Yes, it's spoilers, but it may help you keep the storyline in order (and not miss any missions) if you follow the Prophecies storyline guide on wiki. If you don't want any spoilers, then I'd suggest starting a Tyrian character to progress through the story at least until arrival in LA to learn your way.

Yes, you can take a non-Tyrian back to the beginning of post-searing in Ascalon. (It seems to be a fairly common run offered from LA.) But you don't absolutely *need* a runner. If you've never been through Tryia, a runner will most likely get you back to the beginning a lot faster than you'd find it yourself. Bear in mind that most runs don't necessarily include stopping at *every* mission and non-mission outpost back that way.

In Tyria, all that's required for any character to enter a mission is that you get to the mission outpost. (Once there, you just hit Enter Mission as the party leader.) There are no "closed gates" between Ascalon and LA that would keep you from accessing missions or maps without the primary quests. (There are a couple later on, but you'll have primary quests for those.)

Another surprise coming to someone from Cantha or Elona may be the bonus system in Tyria. Tyria has *almost* no timed missions, and no master's rewards. Each mission has a primary objective, listed in your mission log, and a bonus objective (that displays once you trigger it, similar to the bonus objectives in NF missions.) There's no Standard/Expert/Master reward. Primary objectives completed get one sword through the mission outpost town; bonus objectives get a second sword. (I forget which way each sword goes.) You don't usually have to finish a mission to get credit for completing the bonus objective. Protector of Tyria requires all the missions and bonuses completed but doesn't require that you do them on the same run.

Foreign characters, and post-searing Tyrian characters can't access the pre-searing everyone speaks of. That very first starting area is a completely separate map with a story set 2 years before the rest of Tyria. Once a new Tyrian character leaves, they can't go back. Luckily for the purposes of titles, the area has no missions or explorable map that count towards the protector or explorer title tracks.

I wish you luck, and I'm glad to hear people are still interested in Tyria. And I totally agree with others that if you really want to see the first chapter in all it's glory, you gotta start with a brand new Tyrian character.
