W/ME Fow

Destro Maniak

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006


I try solo W/Me fow thing. I am sure I wont have any problem fighting spiders. But I have trouble with the run. I spend 10k to try myself how to run into cave myself but I could got into cave from beach. Can anyone capture movie of the run. Actually I am really good runner in all placed that dont have mesmers and eles that slow me down. But only spirint is not enought for me.

Smile Like Umean It

Smile Like Umean It

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


There actually already videos on this. I can't remember where I got them from at the moment, but if no one else finds it I'll post back with links later.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

take out watch yourself ans put in another running skill, see if that helps



Likes naked dance offs

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Older Gamers [TOG]

If you're having trouble with the run, I'd recomend switching to w/mo till you get the hang of it. Use dolyaks instead of physical resistance and bring holy veil instead of one of your offensive skills so that if you mess up and agro a skale you can ditch the life transfer.

Destro Maniak

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006


I cant do the run to inside the cave. I allways stuck at ranger spiders. Am I going to fight with them too or should I just try to run inside. We are going to fight boubter spiders right.I lost about 10-15k trying to learn

BTW should I get the quest from the ghost in platemail?

Astro Pubes

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Gwen Is [EVIL]

Originally Posted by Destro Maniak
I cant do the run to inside the cave. I allways stuck at ranger spiders. Am I going to fight with them too or should I just try to run inside. We are going to fight boubter spiders right.I lost about 10-15k trying to learn

BTW should I get the quest from the ghost in platemail?

my honest opinion, you seriously need to play more on your warrior and play the game. you need more back ground with soloing, and you need more back ground in FoW, because if you knew more about FoW you'd know the answer to your question about talking to the ghost. also, you will spend more then 15k trying to learn the best routes and practicing soloing down there. and the whole point of the solo beach farmer is the armored cave spiders in the cave!! also check the search button for solo FoW builds as there is a thread in the farming section or Tyrian explorer section that's about 60 pages long if not longer it also includes all your videos, techniques and routes which way to run how to avoid the shadow armies. so i can honestly say until you do your research on the subject you're going to spend alot more money wasting your time. i used to farm down there alot back when shards were worth 4.5 plat and i swore i wouldn't return to farming down there if their prices fell below 3plat, and they are currently at 2.1-2.4plat so i wont return again for this farm until they become worth my time down there, especially since they are random drops.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




I find it hard to believe that spider runs are profitable any more.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I've not tried it, but may I suggest you check out the Warrior and Farming subsections of The Campfire here on guru? I'd guess that's where you're most likely to find videos and detailed notes on such a run.


Astro Pubes

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Gwen Is [EVIL]

Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
I find it hard to believe that spider runs are profitable any more.
it's not, it's like i stated it was good before it became too mainstream, now if you do a run and get a shard drop its like hurray! paid for my entrance fee!!!!! .

Destro Maniak

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by Astro Pubes
my honest opinion, you seriously need to play more on your warrior and play the game. you need more back ground with soloing, and you need more back ground in FoW, because if you knew more about FoW you'd know the answer to your question about talking to the ghost. also, you will spend more then 15k trying to learn the best routes and practicing soloing down there. and the whole point of the solo beach farmer is the armored cave spiders in the cave!! also check the search button for solo FoW builds as there is a thread in the farming section or Tyrian explorer section that's about 60 pages long if not longer it also includes all your videos, techniques and routes which way to run how to avoid the shadow armies. so i can honestly say until you do your research on the subject you're going to spend alot more money wasting your time. i used to farm down there alot back when shards were worth 4.5 plat and i swore i wouldn't return to farming down there if their prices fell below 3plat, and they are currently at 2.1-2.4plat so i wont return again for this farm until they become worth my time down there, especially since they are random drops.
I think I already played warrior enought to know how to play it as I am playing warrior for 8 months. I just wanted to try new things out because I dont think that it is possible to make troll or vermin farms anymore.

Astro Pubes

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Gwen Is [EVIL]

Originally Posted by Destro Maniak
I think I already played warrior enought to know how to play it as I am playing warrior for 8 months. I just wanted to try new things out because I dont think that it is possible to make troll or vermin farms anymore.
it is possible to still do those farms, it just takes longer now as they will break off and heal themselves, and it wasn't anything personal against you, but normally when people ask about talking to the ghost once you've zoned into FoW don't have any idea what's going on. i know people who've played guild wars for 18-19 months when i started, and they still don't know how to play warrior correctly. all i'm trying to do is prevent you from spending lots of your money when you're not going to be productive about it and do your research prior to wasting your cash believe it or not i'm trying to help you out take it for what it's worth.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

Galactic President Superstar Mc [awsm]


I could show you ingame in you like, it's really easy. Just leave your IGN and I'll pm you when I get online and when I have some time. You need to be European though.

Destro Maniak

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by Astro Pubes
it is possible to still do those farms, it just takes longer now as they will break off and heal themselves, and it wasn't anything personal against you, but normally when people ask about talking to the ghost once you've zoned into FoW don't have any idea what's going on. i know people who've played guild wars for 18-19 months when i started, and they still don't know how to play warrior correctly. all i'm trying to do is prevent you from spending lots of your money when you're not going to be productive about it and do your research prior to wasting your cash believe it or not i'm trying to help you out take it for what it's worth.
Actually "It just takes longer"=Impossible because you cant earn any gold by that way. Getting few undered gold in long time doesnt make you get something.
BTW in-game name isestro Maniak

Venus was her name

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Cornwall, UK


Ok well here are some tips, i can show you also if your european IGN: venus was her name

take note at what people have said tho, i sometimes still do this if im bored or wanna use up some spare keys, but tbh obby shards are just too cheap now. it doesnt net you enough cash. still its a really fun run.

no idea what build listed here on guru is BUT i use this basic setup.

tripple chop, penetrating blow, executioners strike, watch yourself, physical resistance, dolyak sig, heal sig, sprint,

axe: 15 (sup rune)
str: (can't remember 12 i think)
tact: also about 12
inspiration: whats left

stats are just rough i cant remember exactly..lol its important to milk dolyaks for what its worth with high str to up the armour +

armour: use knights for the damage reduction


1. Spiders do piercing damage so shields with +10 vs piercing are nice (+5 armour on your weapon is good too)
2. Your always in a stance so use a while in stance shield, not a -5 20%.
3. Use a zealous axe/sword mod
4. spiders will stop using healing spring when they are in melee range
5. main care needs to be taken to avoid the skales and their hexes have a health up/hex weapon set handy for when you get caught..prepare to run and heal sig.
6. use swords if you like (with sword skilslnot axe ones >_<)
7. spiders will start using nasty skills if your health is low, keep casting heal sig when its needed.
8. avoid condition based attacks becuase it makes spiders use melrandus resistance.

you need to learn AI patrol and attack patterns for any GW solo build..make sure you watch whats going on and research the areas msonsters on GW wiki

when vs spiders keep all 3 defensive skills on at all times. the times i've died its been becuase physical resistance has run out. never use dolyak sig outside of the cave due to skale patrols.

Hienrich Lindish

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Dark Immortals


Originally Posted by cellardweller
If you're having trouble with the run, I'd recomend switching to w/mo till you get the hang of it.
Deffinetly do not do this, W/mo's can not do this build, this is why when people go on chest runs they do not accept w/mes only w/monks generally. Anyway i was in your shoes once, uh you need physical resistance, also if your using watch yourself. shields up is a good one to replace that with, you need two differnt shields one +60/hex and +45 when in stance
Use the +60 when running past the scales, you also have to find the safe spot, a good idea is after you have killed the first dryder at the corner of the scales, use a longbow to pull over any driftwood, so they dont get in ur way when ur running to the safe spots away from scales.
Im sure you will manage it eventually, if you want to do a duel run with me so i show you how to do it that would be kl too. Hienrich Lindish
Im on in the eve generally, gl m8