
Destro Maniak
Smile Like Umean It
Destro Maniak
Astro Pubes
Originally Posted by Destro Maniak
I cant do the run to inside the cave. I allways stuck at ranger spiders. Am I going to fight with them too or should I just try to run inside. We are going to fight boubter spiders right.I lost about 10-15k trying to learn
BTW should I get the quest from the ghost in platemail? |
Ole Man Bourbon
Astro Pubes
Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
I find it hard to believe that spider runs are profitable any more.
Destro Maniak
Originally Posted by Astro Pubes
my honest opinion, you seriously need to play more on your warrior and play the game. you need more back ground with soloing, and you need more back ground in FoW, because if you knew more about FoW you'd know the answer to your question about talking to the ghost. also, you will spend more then 15k trying to learn the best routes and practicing soloing down there. and the whole point of the solo beach farmer is the armored cave spiders in the cave!! also check the search button for solo FoW builds as there is a thread in the farming section or Tyrian explorer section that's about 60 pages long if not longer it also includes all your videos, techniques and routes which way to run how to avoid the shadow armies. so i can honestly say until you do your research on the subject you're going to spend alot more money wasting your time. i used to farm down there alot back when shards were worth 4.5 plat and i swore i wouldn't return to farming down there if their prices fell below 3plat, and they are currently at 2.1-2.4plat so i wont return again for this farm until they become worth my time down there, especially since they are random drops.
Astro Pubes
Originally Posted by Destro Maniak
I think I already played warrior enought to know how to play it as I am playing warrior for 8 months. I just wanted to try new things out because I dont think that it is possible to make troll or vermin farms anymore.
Destro Maniak
Originally Posted by Astro Pubes
it is possible to still do those farms, it just takes longer now as they will break off and heal themselves, and it wasn't anything personal against you, but normally when people ask about talking to the ghost once you've zoned into FoW don't have any idea what's going on. i know people who've played guild wars for 18-19 months when i started, and they still don't know how to play warrior correctly. all i'm trying to do is prevent you from spending lots of your money when you're not going to be productive about it and do your research prior to wasting your cash believe it or not i'm trying to help you out take it for what it's worth.
Venus was her name
Hienrich Lindish
Originally Posted by cellardweller
If you're having trouble with the run, I'd recomend switching to w/mo till you get the hang of it.