Defender of Ascalon and Survivor title


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



I know this topic has been beat to death but after reading all the posts about defender and survivor titles and reading the info for them on wiki one question still remains in my mind.

Can both be accomplished with a service? I know there is power leveling which I never considered. But, if I created another character can my XP be gained by paying someone to level me and at the same time get me DoA title. I can get the level 20 myself or the DoA title myself but, I can't get both at the same time myself.

I assume the provided would have to go without armor and die over and over (death leveling in my place) as I stand aside and collect XP. I think this can work. I know! Who in their right mind would want to provide such a service and I am sure the price would be high. Getting to level 16 with a level 20 power level'r wouldn't take very long I imagine.

This is a service I would pay for and the only one I would pay for as I cannot achieve both titles at the same time without this service. The only service I have ever paid for was a run for missions I already completed for armor infusion so please don't criticize me for paying for a service.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Zadar - Croatia

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I think there is no way to gain both titles, and other guy can't do it for you 'cos there is no hard-res in Pre, only Sig. (Which means both of you must die to respawn etc etc).


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


I think you can do both by yourself with a pet, however that means no afk while deathleveling.

Edit: Forgot about not having a hard rez in pre.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by cR4zY-n^
I think there is no way to gain both titles, and other guy can't do it for you 'cos there is no hard-res in Pre, only Sig. (Which means both of you must die to respawn etc etc).
Hmmm. This service could work with 2 providers then right? One with a hard res. Geez! Although the time would be cut significantly with two lvl 20's helping it still sounds like a crazy goal to persue. I bow to anyone with both of these titles earned or paid for.

This sounds like gold to me. I may experiment with providing this service.


Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2006


The problem with the hard rez is there is no hard rez in pre. The only rez you have is the rez signet which is good for one use and nothing to give you a moral boost to reset the rez.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by Spydergst1
Hmmm. This service could work with 2 providers then right? One with a hard res. Geez! Although the time would be cut significantly with two lvl 20's helping it still sounds like a crazy goal to persue. I bow to anyone with both of these titles earned or paid for.

This sounds like gold to me. I may experiment with providing this service.
1) Party size is 2 maximum in Pre-searing

2) There are no hard rezzes in Pre-searing, no matter your level...


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Valour Of Cantha


I set out to do this using my pet to death level...but i changed my mind quite soon...takes alot of dedication, i too bow down to anyone committed enough to do it

Edit- I'd be VERY interested to know if anyone is actually in the process of doing this atm.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Zadar - Croatia

We Work As A [Team]


What part of "IMPOSSIBLE" you guys don't understand? :P


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


It is possible. You just can't AFK, because you have to level the baddies on your Pet, then you have to res your pet, and repeat...

Try it if you have ~800 hours of free time on your hands.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


All depends if you can get Comfort Animal in Pre-searing....

Then it's possible.

You can't hard rez another player, but you can cast Comfort Animal to rez your pet over and long as it's available.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eternal Deliverance


Originally Posted by Lavindathar
All depends if you can get Comfort Animal in Pre-searing....

Then it's possible.
You can get Comfort Animal along with Charm Animal from that Ranger person in Regent Valley. You get it from one of those profession quests that tells you to go out and charm a stalker.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

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you can't do it with 2 people b\c there is no hard res and you can't do it with your pet b\c once it dies the enemy will no longer get exp from it. It has been tested.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



I just had a thought. What if youw ent with another level 20 player and you are the party leader. The player takes the deaths thus letting the mosters get thee xperience for killing a level 20. Once the service provider, friend or guildy dies you resign and go back in to let the other person die again. This way you don't loose survivor title and you still get DoA title.

Please tell me if my theory is off.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


Ok, sorry I was just throwing stuff up in the air. So once the enemy has killed your pet once, he no longer gets xp for any subsequent kills?

And Spyder, I've never tried this before, so I'm not sure.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by Spydergst1
I just had a thought. What if youw ent with another level 20 player and you are the party leader. The player takes the deaths thus letting the mosters get thee xperience for killing a level 20. Once the service provider, friend or guildy dies you resign and go back in to let the other person die again. This way you don't loose survivor title and you still get DoA title.

Please tell me if my theory is off.
Once you zone out of the instance and zome back in all the monsters are reset...

You can't just...let them gain alittle experience, resign, come back and let them get alittle more, resign, come back for alittle more, resign, etc.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Once you zone out of the instance and zome back in all the monsters are reset...

You can't just...let them gain alittle experience, resign, come back and let them get alittle more, resign, come back for alittle more, resign, etc.
I didn't think about that.
Thanks you just save me alot of time experimenting.