Doa Elite Missian
For those that have finished Gates of Anguish and done the deep or urgoz warren before, how hard on a difficulty scale of 1-10 would you rate GOA compared to the deep and urgoz warren and how long did it take to complete it?
The Deep: 7
Urgoz : 8 (simply because it takes much longer)
DoA: 9.5
I've never been in a guild that had access to the deep or urgoz, but i did do both of them during the event weekend that gave access to those areas to everyone. They were both very fun and challenging, but neither took too much rethinking of my standard heavy nuking build. In Domain of Anguish (in my experience) standard cookie cutter builds are much less likely to be effective. I have yet to get very far in DoA. I think i'll have better luck once I get my elementalist there. Right now i just have a Dervish, and by builds keep getting pwned, on top of not being able to find a group.
...I need to join a good guild :-(
Urgoz : 8 (simply because it takes much longer)
DoA: 9.5
I've never been in a guild that had access to the deep or urgoz, but i did do both of them during the event weekend that gave access to those areas to everyone. They were both very fun and challenging, but neither took too much rethinking of my standard heavy nuking build. In Domain of Anguish (in my experience) standard cookie cutter builds are much less likely to be effective. I have yet to get very far in DoA. I think i'll have better luck once I get my elementalist there. Right now i just have a Dervish, and by builds keep getting pwned, on top of not being able to find a group.
...I need to join a good guild :-(
The Deep: 6
Urgoz: 6
Doa: 10.
Simply the hardest thing in the game at the moment. No cookie cutter builds, Nothing an ordinary pug can handle either. You either can do the area, or you cant.
Urgoz: 6
Doa: 10.
Simply the hardest thing in the game at the moment. No cookie cutter builds, Nothing an ordinary pug can handle either. You either can do the area, or you cant.
Originally Posted by scrinner
The Deep: 6
Urgoz: 6 Doa: 10. Simply the hardest thing in the game at the moment. No cookie cutter builds, Nothing an ordinary pug can handle either. You either can do the area, or you cant. |
And yes, cookie cutter builds are absolutely no guarantee (unlike Urgoz or Deep). And those that do semi-work, take absurd ammounts of time (4-8 hours easily)
Tetris L
Originally Posted by Lilaznboi2011
For those that have finished Gates of Anguish ...
And as far as I know, nobody has entered the elite mission either. Just the explorables.
People have come close though
. Screenies show 5/6th of the quest completed.

Tetris L
Originally Posted by Lavindathar
Screenies show 5/6th of the quest completed.
Sorry, the last part Ive seen on a screenie, is the one AFTER protecting the dude while he opens the door. Destroy Mallyx...I thought that was 6/6...