Mighty Warrior
anyone know what there going to do for wintersday yet?
No, except for members of GW staff involved in it, and they aren't saying yet.
[they are, or they're, not there. 'there' is a place]
[they are, or they're, not there. 'there' is a place]
Potu Exe
If its similar to last years Wintersday, um.
1. play the snow ball fight game... thing
fun times...
2. Get some candy canes that remove DP
really useful.
3. Get some more candy cane weapons and shields and things ^^
4. Get the hat('s) at the end of the event.
Um... basically, I'm gonna do everything.
1. play the snow ball fight game... thing
2. Get some candy canes that remove DP
3. Get some more candy cane weapons and shields and things ^^
4. Get the hat('s) at the end of the event.
Um... basically, I'm gonna do everything.
I missed it last year . . So I hope this year is as good as everyone says last years event was.
my prediction: Exactly the same as last year, but with 1 new item and 1 new hat. enjoy.
Bukuro Girl
Ohh, just as long as they have the candy cane to remove dp.
That's all I want. Saving up my materials for them now...
That's all I want. Saving up my materials for them now...

My prediction: i dont think i know a person that ISNT saving up for CC. consider the value of CC's killed forever...unless for some reason anet doesnt have them. which i doubt.
I know that I'll be laughing my silly little bum off if and when anet decides to not have candy canes this year. I'll save the good laughs for those that are out there right now siiting in Nolani, spamming over and ovar, "WTB all your gargoyle skulls 50g each." I know if it's anything like last year, I'll make a killing selling the stuff you need to collect to all the lazy, rich, "Oh lookit me I can throw money away cause I bought it off ebay" people.
Free Runner
Originally Posted by Potu Exe
1. play the snow ball fight game... thing |

Only looking forward to CC and a new Hat, and maybe that other thing that Gaile was jumping up and down about.