Hi, ive got 2 questions to ask:
1) i've seen that if the leader of the party travels y pressing "m" button, the whole party goes this way. Can u do it if u have not opened the location, where the leader is going? Like if some one taxi you from kamadan to bazaar - will you go there?
2) i've seen people trying to buy gold weapons like with 15^50 for 100k+20ecto, isn't it chaper to but 15^50 mod itself(no more then 10k), and any gold weapon with the skin you want(~50k) and re-mod this weapon like you can ugrate armor with runes avery time you want - the new rune will be applied, when the new one disappears? Does it work with wepons?
2 questions
1. No
2.Inscriptions can only be applied to Elonian and PvP weapons.
2.Inscriptions can only be applied to Elonian and PvP weapons.
thnx a lot =)