New Warrior Artwork
This is the first commissioned drawing I did, for Nkah Sennyt, and the latest drawing in my collection.
Nice job again. I really enjoy your style... has such a crisp look *thumbs up*
If you're really drawing these, you have pretty good positional skills (drawing your girls in realistic looking poses).
However, it looks like you're finding pictures of women, photoshopping them with a couple filters to make them look cartoony, then adding armor / weapons.
Take that as a compliment if you're honestly doing it. Because it looks pretty nice.
However, it looks like you're finding pictures of women, photoshopping them with a couple filters to make them look cartoony, then adding armor / weapons.
Take that as a compliment if you're honestly doing it. Because it looks pretty nice.
I have no shame in my artwork. Many of them are taken from photos, but they are not photoshopped images. My works start from scratch, and are built with the photo as a reference, not the photo turned into the artwork. Also, the only instance where I have ever used a filter is in this drawing, on the blade of her sword to give it the brush / scratched look...drawing it by hand on Photoshop was entirely too difficult.
AW Lore
nice drawing.
keep up the good job.
keep up the good job.
*pssst* I'll let you into a secret, even art professionals are known to use photo references at times
You know all those lovely loading screens you see in GWs? Most of those are based on photo references
Nothing "dishonest" in it if you ask me. Before they had photographs, serious artists had models to pose for them, now, people can simply take their own photographs, or find them on the net The key, I believe, is to cast your net wide, and make sure you find a fitting photograph or model for your image idea. Also, don't be afraid to use multiple images for reference, find a nice set of hands to study, along with the torso etc. Drawing purely from your own imagination is an aquired talent, usually aquired by drawing from life, photographs, artistic studies etc.
As for the images, I love them ^^ If fashion/glamour models took up arms, and became Guild Wars professions, I think this is what they'd look like.
You know all those lovely loading screens you see in GWs? Most of those are based on photo references
Nothing "dishonest" in it if you ask me. Before they had photographs, serious artists had models to pose for them, now, people can simply take their own photographs, or find them on the net The key, I believe, is to cast your net wide, and make sure you find a fitting photograph or model for your image idea. Also, don't be afraid to use multiple images for reference, find a nice set of hands to study, along with the torso etc. Drawing purely from your own imagination is an aquired talent, usually aquired by drawing from life, photographs, artistic studies etc.
As for the images, I love them ^^ If fashion/glamour models took up arms, and became Guild Wars professions, I think this is what they'd look like.
Originally Posted by jgs85
I have no shame in my artwork. Many of them are taken from photos, but they are not photoshopped images. My works start from scratch, and are built with the photo as a reference, not the photo turned into the artwork. Also, the only instance where I have ever used a filter is in this drawing, on the blade of her sword to give it the brush / scratched look...drawing it by hand on Photoshop was entirely too difficult.
If you are doing it by looking at a picture and drawing on a seperate medium, then you're doing a nice job. Keep up the good work!
I like the look, but i think you should "distort" it a little, sometimes making something realistic, doesnt look realistic at all when in another medium.
i love the warrior
best one yet
best one yet
Nkah Sennyt
<3 warrior, even if she does look a tiny bit preggers. >.>
*Can't wait for her next commission*
*Can't wait for her next commission*
Originally Posted by Nkah Sennyt
<3 warrior, even if she does look a tiny bit preggers. >.>
Haha... I don't think her arched back qualifies as looking pregnant... she's really thin! Mild case of lordosis maybe... although I have actually met people who walk around with a similar posture.
Nkah Sennyt
At first glance, it looked kinda pregnant to me. Still does, but I know what you mean. (;
Dion The Warrior
looks realy nice ^^
Originally Posted by greyf0x_f0x
As for the images, I love them ^^ If fashion/glamour models took up arms, and became Guild Wars professions, I think this is what they'd look like.
Aye, that's my only reservation with saying "I love these pictures!". I admire your clean work and the proportions are fairly solid, but the awkward, forced poses of the modelling industry don't play nice with fantasy characters. They end up looking more like women in fetish catalogs than hardcore, badass heroes. Which, depending on the artist and audience, can be either a good or bad thing. The fantasy art industry has made a FINE tradition of fashion/glamour models pretending to be adventurers. Much <3 to Elmore/Caldwell/Royo. Valeria
I just remember some musik videos with girls painted like that running aroud in discos. Can't think of anything else now but who says that's a bad thing
Shadow Kurd
Very very nice
Very nice - Good job yet again!
Sword Liger
Do you do men?
Originally Posted by Sword Liger
Do you do men?
hey why does his sexual preference matter!
Originally Posted by Sword Liger
Do you do men?
I can draw men, but not as well as I can draw women. I'm currently trying to increase my ability to draw men, by first drawing my main GW character.
Sword Liger
Hey cool, show us your male drawing and I may be interested in paying a hefty price for a drawing of my sexy wammo.
Cheers Shadow Kurd
Originally Posted by Sword Liger
Hey cool, show us your male drawing and I may be interested in paying a hefty price for a drawing of my sexy wammo.
Cheers let me guess the one i your avater >.< |