How do I track my threads ?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Athens, Hellas


I know its a basic forum question but I don't know the answer!

I tried to go to my name and there is a link there saying that I could find all my threads but its not accesible.! I don't know why?

Is there anyway to see all the treads started by me, or maybe all the thread that I have answered as well?

Thank you all in advance for you answers.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

United Kingdom!

Acolytes Of Anguish [aOa]


I know you have said that you have done this but mabe you have done it wrong, if i click your name i can see a option that says find more posts by ermns and i can see them all, it should link you to a second page by board tracker, make sure your pop up blocker is disabled, i dont know if you can see this option being logged in so just log out and click your name that way youll see what i see.

Hope this helped.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005



Click on User CP link at the top of the page (next to the FAQ and members list). Once in your CP you click the list subscriptions link on the left hand menu to see all your threads. The ones in bold have had posts since your last visit to the thread.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

also, when u make a thread, add it to favourites that way ur never loose it :P



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by VaMpIrE|OrD
I know you have said that you have done this but mabe you have done it wrong, if i click your name i can see a option that says find more posts by ermns and i can see them all, it should link you to a second page by board tracker, make sure your pop up blocker is disabled, i dont know if you can see this option being logged in so just log out and click your name that way youll see what i see.

Hope this helped.
It didnt help me. Tried when logged in, I get this

When not logged in, I get this.

Subcsriptions only works if youve subscribed to the thread I thought, but it would be alot easier if we could find our posts, instead of only getting the threads we started.

Titan Chrae

Titan Chrae

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Frozen Lake

Illustrious Chromatic Enigmas (ICE)


Well...if that doesn't work you could subscribe to threads you have posted in.

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by milan
Click on User CP link at the top of the page (next to the FAQ and members list). Once in your CP you click the list subscriptions link on the left hand menu to see all your threads. The ones in bold have had posts since your last visit to the thread.
That's only for messages you've subscribed too.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

I've found the same thing - without mod rights, I can't search for all my posts. (Safer idea - finding my own posts would just further my evil plan to <to be decided> ok, sorry /endsarcasm)

The best way I've found is to change a setting to subscribe to threads I post in by default. It's in Control Panel (aka CP) -> Edit Options In the second block, there's a by-default subscription option. It starts out as "do not subscribe" but you can change it to "no email notification" just so your subscribed threads has links to every thread you started or replied to.)

Would be nice if there were a way to find all my old replies. I think I managed to find all my old thread-starts by using search for 'Luny' but neither the board search or google returns everything I've ever responded to and signed that way.

If anyone knows of a better way to find them all before you knew to subscribe, please do share!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005



I'm automatically subscribed to all threads that I post in/create.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

^^Thanks, hadnt known that was there. Will be fine now, I think.



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


In UserCP, go down to Subscriptions and select Edit Folders.
Where it says New Folders add two folder names: Started Threads, Posted In
Then you can move the subscribed thread to the correct folder at the bottom of the Subscriptions list.
Just choose move to folder, hit Go, select the folder and you are done.

If the delete/move window doesn't show, just click on view all subscriptions

Njaiguni Blaze

Njaiguni Blaze

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB]


Originally Posted by Darcy
In UserCP, go down to Subscriptions and select Edit Folders.
Where it says New Folders add two folder names: Started Threads, Posted In
Then you can move the subscribed thread to the correct folder at the bottom of the Subscriptions list.
Just choose move to folder, hit Go, select the folder and you are done.

If the delete/move window doesn't show, just click on view all subscriptions
I know what the OP means, you can't look up all you're posts unless you subscribed to them.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


It's one way to bump your inbox count at least -_-

Jason Xll

Jason Xll


Join Date: Sep 2005

Ice Tooth Cave


Yes before Boardtracker there used to be a search engine that showed you all your previous threads and posts. You didn't have to look for your post in a large thread, it would link you straight to the page/position of your post. Unfortunately when there were many members online it would be "unavailable" and overloaded unlike Boardtracker. There may still be an option like that with Boardtracker but i cant find it >.<