Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
All your example showed is that they'll likely be adding a mesmer to the bodyguards near the guild lord.
Several people have said they dont wish to be FORCED to carry the counters for this build. That its wrong to need to be ready to face just this one build, and yet dont you bring builds designed to deal with monks? Tanks? Necros?
The counters to this build are not skills that are useless vs every other proff or build.
Most of the top ranked guilds have used Mesemrs and Necros in there builds from time to time so ive little doubt that they will incorporate the needed counters with little problem.
Anet knew how this skill could be used when they build it, they most likely created it for more than just a great heal for Dervishes, they might have felt it would be a great way to build more intrest in Mesmers who would be extremely powerful at dealing with enchantment based builds.
And while a mesmer might be the best way to counter this build its certainly not the only way.
Hech a Warrior could interupt the other enchants that the ele needs to power Mystic Regen to +9 and leave him with only +3 healing, a poor mans Mending enchant....
Stone flesh is a 2 second cast, a war with Skull Crack could easily interupt this and daze the ele then unload a tonne of damage that would end the problem very fast.
A Ranger with Broad head arrow could do the same and Assasins too for that matter.
By its self Mystic Regen is nothing...if you cant take it down then take out the other enchants and then its of little concern.
The problem here is not with the Skill, but with the skill of the Players.
I think you don't really understand the meaning of balance. This skill is unbalanced on enchant heavy casters, reducing the degen to nothing and having a duration that far exceed any other regen spell.
Saying that a skill has a counter that does not mean everything is balanced. Heck, saying this, guild wars is balanced as each skill has a counter in some way.
If you had this skill:
"Can't Nerf This"
Cast 60 Energy 40 Recharge 120
Spell. You win the current battle.
Following your reasonning this skill would be balanced because counterable. But it is obviously not.
Mystic regeneration is highly powerful on everything else than a dervish, as most dervish enchants need to end to take effect. And I don't speak about the stoneflesh aura ele solo only, here. I have a monk bonder build with MR that is bringing a lot more gladie points than it should for such a build.
Mesmers are not the "best way" to deal with mystic R, period. They have no cheap or non elite massive disenchantment, only one-shot disenchants that will recharge way longer than MR.
Curse Necro or a
Grenth dervish is the solution. But Curse and Grenth does not fit in every build. Not to mention that your MR enchant caster is not alone and can rely on his teammates. What if your Rend enchants get interrupted? Your mesmer pounded? Your Grenth Dervish snared? Your dazed condition removed? Do you think outside RA?
If you bring an enchant heavy caster in your team, you will ensure also to bring some counters to that massive enchant removal that could occur. A cripshot ranger is particularly adapted to snare melee disenchanters, and interrupt casting disenchanters. And then you begin to have great trouble with those near invincible MR users.
If MR was only a question of 1v1, there wouldn't even be a problem. But you must count on teamates too.
Hell, if massive disenchantment were so powerful, then triple smite wouldn't have become a so dominant build in Faction tournament.
I use this skill when monking in TA you know. And what I see is that skill is bringing me far more wins than any other skills i used up to now.