What's with all the monks in Granite?
Just been in Granite Citadel and noticed loads of monks in there. All lvl 20s in astetics (spelling) armour. They're running around along the same path, out of what seems to be the exit north but then appearing back in GC. What's going on? They looks like bots, but aren't. Have I missed summat?

lol, sounds wacko.
Phaedra Firesoul
i hear they're all bots.
You know anything about it? I've got a monk char so if there's something I can get in on, I want in! I've asked in there but nobody will reply.
Phaedra Firesoul
um...it's illegal farming from what i know. but i don't know much. sorry. their was a thread in screenshot called "bot world" showing all the monk bots.
Oh reet. Nvm. Don't wanna risk getting my account booted. Sounds dodgy to me. Thanks anyway.
Free Runner
Originally Posted by Vandal2k6
You know anything about it? I've got a monk char so if there's something I can get in on, I want in! I've asked in there but nobody will reply.
Watch how they all walk along walls with the exact same path. Doesn't take a genius to realise they are bots. They should get banned, but they don't.
they are mostly bots. some asian farmers mixed in, but most are just bots. you can see them in a few other places (farming warrens in factions, tengu/trolls in prophesies).
anyone remember the 'i love you' monks or whatever they were called? someone find a screen shot of them. ive got an internet cookie for the first one to post one!
anyone remember the 'i love you' monks or whatever they were called? someone find a screen shot of them. ive got an internet cookie for the first one to post one!
Do they have any guild tags? I'm curious.
More than likely its probably bots or Chinese farmers that are going to farm IDSs with some monk "farming" build.
More than likely its probably bots or Chinese farmers that are going to farm IDSs with some monk "farming" build.
Yeah, they have tags. They seems to be walking between the same points in the area. One of the henchies, the sign posts, the merchant etc ... Not seen em in there b4 today.
Keira Darkwind
It's not "illegal" to farm. Just to bot.
I guess they found something good out there.
I guess they found something good out there.