What class for fun/pve?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Thinking of coming back to GuildWars to give it another chance. For some reason I just have a hard time getting into the game though I enjoy the mission and stories.

I have no idea which class would be food for me to play. I am looking to do PVE primarily and often solo though I may play with friends as well. The only class I've played much is Monk though I have done warrior a little.

I basically want a class that can handle things on his own without too much trouble. I also enjoy exploring and completing quests and missions. The charecter will also likely do a lot of skill hunting.

I have prophecies, factions, and nightfall so any of those are available. Hard to find a 'fun' class to really get into though so searching for some advice and opinions.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

If by solo you mean just your character and no heroes, henchies or other players then there is not one, wrong game.

If by solo you mean with heroes and henchies then anything will work.

I find the ranger and necromancer to be very flexible and enjoyable. You can play them in many different ways, which is also true of other professions. Example, ranger:

- Archer, damage
- Archer, interrupts
- Archer, Barrage/Pet
- Degen
- Toucher
- Beastmaster
- Trapper

Everyone has their own opinion of what is fun. It doesn't take too long to play a character to level 8ish to see what they are like in their basic incarnation and decide to either keep going or start a new one.

I play 7 of the 10 professions and haven't enjoyed the mesmer, assassin and ritualist enough to have them as more than a mule. I did take my mesmer to level 20 and the fire islands though. That's just me though, obviously people love playing those 3 professions.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

I think the Necro/Monk Minion Master is really fun to play, across all three campaigns. When I've been playing my other chars for awhile, and then go back to MM for a change, it's just really fun and satisfying. As with all professions, it takes awhile for them to blossom because the skill selection is so small at first, but Death Magic has some really great skills across all three campaigns.

An MM is not that difficult to manage, but is still a challenge to do really well, and is oftern welcomed or even needed in groups. It's also one of the easier professions to solo with a small hero/hench team, without requiring a dedicated farming build.

The other bonus is that after playing it for awhile and unlocking all the skills you like, those can be setup on one of the Necro Heroes, so you can have a strong MM with you no matter what other profession you play. That's actually really cool, because the hero MMs are some of the best ones to have along - if you have the more advanced skills unlocked.

Other "fun" ones...

Dervish/anything: this is a hybrid of a warrior and a monk into a single profession, that is potentially more self sustaining than either and has a specialty for dealing with large mobs and tight AoE damage/effects. This one does take some getting used to however, and at first isn't as much fun as it gets later on with more skills and possibilites. The avatars are cool.

Ranger Beastmaster: a true beastmaster, that uses mostly Beast Mastery skills and focuses on their pet, is really fun to play but not an uber powerful character. The Ranger as a whole however is probably the most self-sufficient profession, and with certain skills can be extremely powerful. A really good class for managing a party of heroes more easily.

Mesmer Interupter: it's an acquired taste not for everyone, but it is fun spoiling others' plans. Keeping a healer from being able to do anything while they kill themselves, or shutting down a nuker altogether, brings a certain satisfaction. This is not an easily soloable class however. If I could start over, I'd have switched my first character's secondary to mesmer sooner and unlocked the skills, so when I created a mesmer primary it would have been easier. This is definitely the most fun profession to play in PvP, imho.

Hope this helps some.

Thom Bangalter

Thom Bangalter


Join Date: Dec 2005



Warrior. Beating on things is always fun. Ranger is fun too, MM is fun, everything else is frustration.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Necromancer minionmaster has really interested me quite a lot. Dervish has also peaked my interest (love the scythes and how they look). Both look a bit like what I want but... not really sure.

If I chose necromancer is their any place I should start in? Factions vs Prophecies vs Nightfall.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Sloshed
Necromancer minionmaster has really interested me quite a lot. Dervish has also peaked my interest (love the scythes and how they look). Both look a bit like what I want but... not really sure.

If I chose necromancer is their any place I should start in? Factions vs Prophecies vs Nightfall.
Long Leveling of Character and Free Skills = Prophecies
Quick Leveling and Good Story = Factions
Medium Leveling, Good Story, Tons of Side Quests = Nightfall

If you are going to go alone a lot I'd recommend starting in Nightfall because of the Heros.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


I really like fire ele/mes, I think it's fun being a nuker can usually find parties most of the time.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Both look a bit like what I want but... not really sure.
My opinion is that a MM would be more fun while getting back into the game, and that the Dervish would be more enjoyable as a second character.

If you did start with a Necro, it's worth noting that a Dervish gets to the point of being able to travel to Lion's Arch fairly early in the game, which means that you can go and grab Olias the necro hero, load him up with the unlocked MM skills from your first character, then return to Nightfall and go to town with both a Dervish and a MM at the same time... it's pretty cool.

If I chose necromancer is their any place I should start in? Factions vs Prophecies vs Nightfall.
Appearance is important, because you want the character's look to be something you'll still like 300 hours later. So that's probably the most important factor.

Prophecies offers the full GW experience from the beginning, and is cheaper in the long run because of all the quests that give skills as rewards. However it is the slowest option, which isn't such a bad thing. It takes awhile to get to Lion's Arch, which opens travel to the other campaigns, unless you hire someone to run you there. And then it takes a long time to get the full attributes, while the other campaigns allow that almost immediately. Prophecies is the campaign with the most Curses skills and best elites.

Factions is the fastest route, while unlocking a fair amount of skills in the beginning. You get access to all the attributes before leaving the starter island, and then have access to campaign travel and max armor almost immediately upon reaching the main continent, plus a lot more gold a lot faster. The downside is that the majority of skills must be bought from traders, and that adds up quickly over time. If one only unlocks the ones they want, then it's not so bad. Factions has some excellent necro skills and the Flesh Golem elite. This would be the faster route for getting to Nightfall and unlocking heroes than Prophecies, which you could take to either Prophecies or Factions. It's almost faster than doing it in Nightfall, at least that's how it feels.

Nightfall... I don't know if it's the best one for necro. If you know that you'll want to play a Dervish or Paragon, then save Nightfall for them. It's certainly the more expensive path of the three campaigns, with armor and inscriptions. The pacing is kind of a hybrid of the other two, though closer to the speed of Factions. There are hardly any skill quests expect the starter skills, even less than Factions. I'm still unsure whether it's actually faster to unlock the first five or so heroes in Nightfall or by going through Factions and heading over.

Having written this, if I were to create a new necro character it would probably be in Factions. If I'd never experienced pre-searing Ascalon or the first Ascalon and Northern Shiverpeak missions, then I'd start in Prophecies. And if there was a cool necro skin that I really liked in Nightfall, then I'd start there and get armor in Factions later.

Hope this helps, and isn't more confusing.

The main reason I would start in Prophecies is if I'd never experienced pre-searing Ascalon or any of the Ascalon missions, from a storyline perspective.

It's also worth noting that a Necro is a core profession with skills, armor and items spanning all three campaigns, while a Dervish is strictly Nightfall based regarding content.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

I love my Ranger and the Dervish class. I couldn't enjoy all others classes that much.

You can do EVERYTHING with these 2 classes, imho

Franco Power

Franco Power

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006



PvE ?

The only and only W/MO.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


None atm


Dervishes. They can do anything. ^^



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


Dervish or Necro, They are both very fun and offer a lot of options.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Decided I will probably do a necromancer first and then a dervish. That seemed to be a good plan from what I saw. I've done prophecies up to Lion's Arch but haven't touched factions or nightfall much at all. So I will do a necromancer on factions and a dervish on (obviously) nightfall.

Minionmaster looks like a lot of fun... but Dervish I -love- the look, animations, and such but it might be easier to do with a minionmaster hero and a bit of funds and such to back it up from the necro.

Any other advice you might have (And I tried war/mo, found it very boring. Actually liked Mo/War more.

Any specific things I should be sure to do with either charecter? Still pretty new to Guildwars since I haven't been -past- Lion's Arch.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006



if your looking for fun i wouldnt have said a monk is a good place to start , mostly you are depended on by your whole party as a monk and sometimes it is a difficult job to do. failing as a monk often only results in stress as most 'less experienced players' will blame you wholeheartedly for their deaths

the best proffesion imo is a Ranger it is so versitile and can adapt to anyones preffered type of play, as they can be close combat long ranged mass damage or surviving or anything



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


Dervish, IMO. You can do a lot with them, i've been playing illusion, arcane conundrum plus avatar of lyssa, necro: taint and orders, heal derv, spear derv, some Arcane zeal rodgort build (not too great), daggers and avatar of lyssa, cyclone axe ebon, you can do a lot bcos they're so varied and have a great primary attribute ^^ you can stack armour and defense as high as you want, or deal as much damage as you wish (shadowy burden and melandru wearying spam ftw).

I just need to find something for D/Rt, any thoughts?

edit: fotm + imbue, cheers random tv



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Here today, gone tomorrow




So much frustrating in the begining but so fun once you found you very own build...

Fury Incarnate

Fury Incarnate

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

Connecticut, USA


For a fun PvE char, you can't go wrong with warrior, ranger, ele, or necro. However, if you're planning to play with real people, you might want to stay away from the monk. There seems to be a "If we die, blame the monks!" philosophy on GW...