My guild is currently a Luxon alliance, but i would like to go down the chain of Kurzick quests mainly to be able to try my luck at farming a boss or two. Is it possible to still have the 10K needed to go through it entirely despite being a Luxon? I dont mind if its a bit more work as long it doesnt take hours of farming or extra grinding. I'd like to know if this is possible before starting to take too many Kurzick quests.
Also, can i do both the Kurzick and Luxon line of quests/missions?
Luxon/Kurzick crossover
Yes, you may go over to the Kurzick areas regardless of being in a Luxon guild but you still need to do the befriending quest (quest that requires 10k faction) in order to get through the whole area. It is also possible to do quests/missions even if your guild is Luxon.
Great, thanks a bunch!
The only thing you cannot do if you have more faction with one side than another is use their services (merchant etc.).
Also, when you go to cash in any Kurzick faction, you'll lose the same amount of Luxon, so trade in all your Luxon faction first. No sense in wasting it.
Xenex Xclame
Originally Posted by Clerihew
The only thing you cannot do if you have more faction with one side than another is use their services (merchant etc.).