Chests and Item Drop Rates (Gaile, please read / answer)


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

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True Gods Of War [True]


For about 2 weeks now, whenever I run chests in any location my drops are extremely horrible.

I have found MAYBE 3 Req 9 Gold's out of 300+ keys. Everything else is req 11 - 13. Most of the Gold's that do drop have imperfect mods. Sometimes, they aren't even max damage.

I have done this on all 3 continents, each with at LEAST 50 keys, to see if I was triggering some kind of regional anti-chest running code.

Apparently, i'm not. Or, my character is just so heavily flagged that I can't do anything about it. My drops aren't getting any better, regardless of where I run.

I even stopped playing my Warrior completely for a couple days in hopes of dropping some of that farming spam. No dice.

So, here's my question: Are there currently any systems scanning players for their playing habits and if so, do you decrease the chances of anything worthwhile being dropped from chests / monsters if you find the player is in certain zones too often?

A second portion of this question is also: Is a specific chests drop rate proportionate to the amount of players overall in Guild Wars that are actively opening them?

EX: 500,000 people are running Vabbi Chests. Will the drops be worse because of this, or not affected at all?

Thank you in advance if I do get a response from someone with valid information. I know that chest running is a money sink, but before NF was released, I could at least make some of my money back by selling weapons / mods to players. Now, I can't even do that. Who's going to buy a 13 below 50 mod? No one.