I'm confused


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Two days ago I did the Cementary of Dunahm mission (the 5th mission) and now I can't do anything else. I did all of the quests and now I'm just running and finding new cities but there is no new quests or missions. Since then I've been to the Gates of Desolation; Codunor Crossroads; Rilohn Refuge which are show as missions on my CE map but I can't do them. I think it is because I must get the guests to those missions first but I looked everywhere for quests and there is only the Quest with the Banana Scythe which I can't do because the stupid NPC won't come with me and just stay in one place and casting spells on himself.

Please help if you can!

Jongo River

Jongo River

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006


If you mean Venta Cemetary, you should have been sent back to Kamadan when it's completed. According to the above link, you should go to the consulate. I forget exactly who you need to speak to, but just talk to every NPC in Kamadan and the consulate, until you get a "Primary Quest".

After a mission, the game usually displays a brief message telling you were to go next, but sometimes it doesn't. In those cases, just talk to any NPC near where you're dropped and that usually puts you back on the path. Annoyingly, I've seen a couple of NPCs who don't display the exclamation mark, until you've already walked upto them.



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Not sure where you got "Cementary of Dunahm" from. A Cementary I guess is where you make cement? And isn't "Dunahm" a typo...because he's the mesmer henchman in Tyria. Anyhoo...Assuming you mean "Venta Cemetery", you should have ended up in Kamadan? You enter Kamadan stood on the docks to the North and there is a little man stood there called Dockmaster Ahlaro who gives you the next primary quest - you should try going to Kamada to see if he has the Primary quest for you.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

The primary quest after Venta Cemetery starts by talking to the npc who is right next to the location in Kamadan where you ended up after doing the mission.

Edit: Looks like I was too late. Anyway, "Cemetary of Dunahm" is actually what the CE map says the mission location name is. Guess they changed it.



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Originally Posted by Taala
Edit: Looks like I was too late. Anyway, "Cemetary of Dunahm" is actually what the CE map says the mission location name is. Guess they changed it.
Wierd - must check that later.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Blade And Rose [BaR]


My CE map says Venta Cemetery, like it should.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

S??o Paulo Brasil


i had the same problem and took me some time to figure, i even tough i needed some lb points lol

well, how i found, i did cemitery again (pain in the b) when you finish the mission you get droped in kamadan on a small dock in side the town, to the right where you first entered town, there is a guy with an exclamation but you dont see it cuz he is down a little stair, you wont miss him, he is right beside the guys that have quests to tyria and cantha.

hope that helps