Weapon Colour Bias
Hi All ,
Your thoughts on the following please. I had a max damage Fellblade drop in nightfall the other day. It had a rubbish inscription and bad mods - so it was purple.
I can give it a 15^50 inscription and perfect mods but it will still be purple.
It will be identical to the best gold fellblade you could get but still be purple. Will this mean it is worth less than its gold counterpart or should I expect the same value. After all its the same skin and stats , its just that the words do not appear in Gold
Any thoughts
Your thoughts on the following please. I had a max damage Fellblade drop in nightfall the other day. It had a rubbish inscription and bad mods - so it was purple.
I can give it a 15^50 inscription and perfect mods but it will still be purple.
It will be identical to the best gold fellblade you could get but still be purple. Will this mean it is worth less than its gold counterpart or should I expect the same value. After all its the same skin and stats , its just that the words do not appear in Gold
Any thoughts
Well I suppose it's worth less to those who want their text in gold. I doubt most would care either way.
People don't buy for functionality, they buy for looks. Gold lettering looks better than purple.
Dutch Masterr
yes it will be worth less, but i dont see why. i found a req 9 max barbed axe yesterday with bad mods and inscription and it was purple. but i can mod it to be as good as a gold. i personnaly dont care if my weapons are gold or purple i just care about how it works...for example ill buy a high req 15^50 sword with a rare skin for cheap, add a +29hp mod and 20/19 sundering mod. it costs TONS less and is pretty much the same....i really dont want to pay 100k more for an extra 1% chance for armor penetration and 1 hp..
I had same problem. I had 2 Fellblades exactly the same stats ( Req 9..15^50..20/20..+30), 1 Gold & 1 Purple. Gold one sold for 100K + 5Ecto...Purple I had to settle for 30K (the value of the +30 Mod) after about 3 hours of trying to sell.
So it appears that the gold one was waayyy better than the Purple. Go figure. Apparently the old adage "Small minds are attracted to shiny things" may well apply.
So it appears that the gold one was waayyy better than the Purple. Go figure. Apparently the old adage "Small minds are attracted to shiny things" may well apply.
I bought a purple Fellblade and modified it to be exactly like a Rajazan's Fervor in mods. This cost me 10k because it was purple. It would have been FAR more if it was gold. Now I don't care if it's gold, blue or purple. As long as it looks good and is good. Now I found a 15^50 purple fiery gladius. Every one wanted it for around 90k UNTIL they found out it was purple. No idea why, it's the same sword.
Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by Savio
People don't buy for functionality, they buy for looks. Gold lettering looks better than purple.
True, people by for looks. Some people just like the skin for their own sake. For others, if they're going to spend any sum of money for a weapon, they're going to buy a weapon they can show off in trade window when people ask, "woah, that's cool, what is it?" What good is it to have some cool skin that, when you show it off, people will say, "oh, junk stats?"
Purple letters play into this because up until Nightfall, the level of stats corresponded with coloring. Gold weapon stats were almost always better than purple weapon stats. The market is set into thinking this way and that's why the market can demand, and is willing to pay, higher prices for gold items.
Purple letters play into this because up until Nightfall, the level of stats corresponded with coloring. Gold weapon stats were almost always better than purple weapon stats. The market is set into thinking this way and that's why the market can demand, and is willing to pay, higher prices for gold items.
To catch a monkey, one places a shiny object in a hollow gourd, with an opening just big enough for the monkey to get his open hand in. The monkey grabs the shiny object but can't get his closed hand out. He won't let go of the shiny object and is trapped. I'm wondering how many monkeys play GW.

Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by quickmonty
To catch a monkey, one places a shiny object in a hollow gourd, with an opening just big enough for the monkey to get his open hand in. The monkey grabs the shiny object but can't get his closed hand out. He won't let go of the shiny object and is trapped. I'm wondering how many monkeys play GW.
![]() |

Going for looks over functionality might not make much practical sense, especially if the stats are exactly the same (as the OP suggests).
But this is a game and the economy is driven on luxury skins and armors. We are dealing with fake money here (and let's hope that's the case), so no harm.
Still, even in the real world, people are willing to spend a premium on luxury and brand name items even though a generic product will accomplish the same thing.
But this is a game and the economy is driven on luxury skins and armors. We are dealing with fake money here (and let's hope that's the case), so no harm.
Still, even in the real world, people are willing to spend a premium on luxury and brand name items even though a generic product will accomplish the same thing.
Dutch Masterr
people just want to show off and say they are rich for having a gold weapon because its more "rare"...it shouldnt make a difference with inscriptable items because everything besides the req can be changed. however on other campaigns, there are no perfect purples. nightfall really screwed with the economy >_>
sweeping generalizations FTL. =(
I make it my goal to collect perfect gold gear in the same way I make it my goal to get titles or finish the latest chapter. Gold items are the 'rarest' and therefore I strive to attain them with 'perfect' stats (per my usage requirements). If someone asks about my stuff, I show them. No big deal, but I do this for ME, not for anybody else.
I make it my goal to collect perfect gold gear in the same way I make it my goal to get titles or finish the latest chapter. Gold items are the 'rarest' and therefore I strive to attain them with 'perfect' stats (per my usage requirements). If someone asks about my stuff, I show them. No big deal, but I do this for ME, not for anybody else.
Tobias Funke
It also goes toward supply and demand. Purple weapons drop more often than golds, therefore there are more of them, therefore they are worth less money.
why not just use it for yourself?
heck people cant tell if its purple while your holding it :P
I bought a gold req 9 and i have my purple req 13 lol
heck people cant tell if its purple while your holding it :P
I bought a gold req 9 and i have my purple req 13 lol
It all goes back to GW's launch. We were all told that purple items were "uncommon" and gold items were "rare".
Rare items will always be worth more than uncommon items with the same stats, especially to collectors. I agree with the above poster, no one knows what color it is unless you're showing it in trade!
Rare items will always be worth more than uncommon items with the same stats, especially to collectors. I agree with the above poster, no one knows what color it is unless you're showing it in trade!

Originally Posted by Spellforge
Hi All ,
Your thoughts on the following please. I had a max damage Fellblade drop in nightfall the other day. It had a rubbish inscription and bad mods - so it was purple. I can give it a 15^50 inscription and perfect mods but it will still be purple. It will be identical to the best gold fellblade you could get but still be purple. Will this mean it is worth less than its gold counterpart or should I expect the same value. After all its the same skin and stats , its just that the words do not appear in Gold Any thoughts |
But I don't think that's what you're asking - you're asking if it'll be "worth less" than an equivalent stat/modded gold one. I'll assume you mean worth to other players, since the worth to the merchant will never change beyond the value shown when you ID it (not even if you change the mods

I agree with the previous responses. The tens of and hundreds of plat prices you see for things isn't about functionality, it's about luxury and status symbols. Gold gets a much higher perceived status weight than purple or green. I know it can seem silly when we're still scraping by to save enough to buy skills, but remember, the people that want this stuff have already amassed their in-game fortunes (or paid someone to do it for them.

So yes, it'll be worth significantly less and you'll likely have a harder time finding a buyer. Check out the stickied threads on rare skin price ranges in the Price Check forums here for further answers and guidelines. (PC forums here are fantastic, and covered with experts that know more about the dynamics of player-to-player trade than mere humans like you or I could ever hope to!

Oh, and most certainly check there before you try to add mods to the purple sword to increase it's sell value!

Sorry to disappoint. I hope it helps you understand.
Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
Taking your thoughts on looks over functionality, I believe that most people buy weapons for the skin, not the color of the letters. Everyone wants to hear, woah, that's cool, what is it? Maybe it's a little of both with a stronger leaning to skin.
1. Exceedingly rare skin (think Crystalline/Dwarven)
2. Exceedingly rare stats (some max inherent modifiers in P/F)
3. Exceedingly rare req (req 7-8 for P/F, req 8 for Nightfall)
4. Standard stats (gold, max damage, max inherent modifiers, inscription slot)
5. Nice/desired skin
6. Nice req
It's kind of blurred between 2, 3 and 4, depending on the item and its chapter of origin. If it doesn't have at minimum the standard stats (and isn't 1 or 2), it's going to be a hard sell for a small amount of plat. And even meeting standard stats doesn't guarantee a high price unless it has something else going for it such as a decent skin or low req.
Some hypothetical examples:
- People want crystallines. To some they're ugly, but whatever - they can only be obtained a couple of ways, so there's low supply, high demand. They are, however, getting a bit more common by the day, with crap purple ones selling for 100-200k or less. A req 8 15^50 gold crys has an exceedingly rare skin, exceeding rare req, perfect stats - it's got everything. A req 13 11 while hexed purple crys only has its skin going for it.
- There are two gold items for sale, a req 9 Gladius and a req 11 Golden Phoenix Blade, otherwise both the same 15^50 and other mods. The GPB sells for more because it's a nice skin - well, it's more desired than a crafter/PvP skin. People don't really care about good reqs unless it's below 9.
- Two inscribable Fellblades, one purple and one gold, otherwise identical. They aren't particularly rare skins - they drop in pretty much any lvl 24+ Prophecies/Nightfall area - so you have to go based on stats. The gold one better fits the "standard stats" than the purple one. If people want gold items and have the money to spend, you're not going to do well trying to convince them a purple item's the same as a gold item.
Originally Posted by quickmonty
I'm wondering how many monkeys play GW.
Originally Posted by Caleb the Pontiff
It all goes back to GW's launch. We were all told that purple items were "uncommon" and gold items were "rare".
Rare items will always be worth more than uncommon items with the same stats, especially to collectors. |
You had some changes inbetween Prophecies and Factions - some of the collectors and crafters were updated (the Droknar's weaponcrafter eventually switched to 15^50 weapons, I got my 20/20 Healing staff at Witman's Folly) and we saw the first waves of green items. The Sorrow's Furnace greens were the first iterations, and combined some rather esoteric mods together (+crippling, 15 while in a stance, and +1 swordsmanship isn't the best combo ever) and months after the initial wow factor they dropped to obscure prices. The Tombs greens dropped even faster, even though stats-wise they were a step up (well, half a step - those offhands made me cringe.) Despite some people's willingness to blame market problems on greens, the fact is they didn't change a single thing that wasn't already changing - a general increase in golds and stabilization of prices. Still, it was rather high for most people at the time, and getting a max character with perfect equipment would run substantially high, more if you wanted the pretty stuff too.
With Factions, purples were bumped up to 14^50 (the present max), which is almost the same as golds (and almost always do the same damage as 15^50s). Golds were now either 14^50 or 15^50, so at the minimum you were guaranteed a near-perfect functioning item, provided the weapon had the maximum amount of inherent mods. Additionally, there was a plethora of decent green items to choose from, meaning you could get that +5e weapon, your zealous, your earth staff, pretty much anything you actually wanted to use save for some shield and offhand combos. Factions more than anything killed prices because if you got a gold, chances are it had at least one decent if not max mod, not to mention greens and collector items filled in a lot of gaps.
Nightfall solved the last few problems about equipping characters with inscriptions and salvaging. Now instead of shelling out 100k+ for a +10 vs slashing damage, +30 health shield (or sitting on trade channels waiting for someone to sell low), you could pay 5-10k for an inscription, another 25k for a health mod, and 5k for a crafter shield - less than half the cost. Any combination you could have wanted, plus some that weren't available before, you can now put together with upgrades and inscriptions. You can even upgrade blues and purples with perfect inscriptions now. Additionally, you have a chance to keep the base item when salvaging - the net result being more mods and more golds. The only problem with the inscriptions system is you lose out on a few older mod combinations, but those aren't particularly critical (typically some combination of two shield/offhand inscriptions). Note that there is still a demand for noninscribable perfect weapons, as there are some skins and a few stats you can only get in the old systems which are still in Prophecies and Factions.
Only under the Nightfall inscription system could a purple item have max stats. Otherwise, the purple's always behind the gold in terms of stats, and where the two have identical nonmax stats, people will go for the gold simply because they have the money for it.
So now people are wondering why their purples and crap golds aren't selling for much. Historically, purples have never really sold for anything great; in Prophecies they were utter trash, in Factions and Nightfall you could get whatever you wanted in gold or collector anyway. The drop in gold item prices got a huge boost from Factions, then continued with Nightfall, so unless you have something in demand, you're not going to get a whole lot for it now. Purples are to other (better) weapons what collector weapons are to golds: until you can afford better weapons/golds, you can use purples/collectors. And even then you can just stick with purples/collectors if you want to, as most of the time it's not a critical difference. But you're not going to be making a killing with purples/collectors unless you're consistently scamming newbs, which you shouldn't.
Yes, trading will never return to its heyday back during Prophecies, but if you consider what the GW population got in return - the ability for anyone to get what they need - it was a pretty good deal for most people. Aside from the few upgrades that are still rather scarce or overpriced, such as Luck of the Draw or Forget Me Not, everything is cheaper than it's ever been. Be thankful that all you can really complain about is the price of vanity items.
Venus was her name
kinda silly..
i usually go for 20/19 mods as it saved lots of money for 1% less effect (which ingame will probally have VERY VERY little or no difference)
weapons should upgrade in colour if you add a max inscription on them e.g i find a 12^50% purple fellblade req 9 and i add a 15^50 inscription and it turns gold.
edit: the old weapon grading system doesnt work now becuase weapons are completly moddable, only the req matters so maybe gold/purple should go on the req and whether its max dmg alone??
i.e. req 8,9 = gold req 10,11 = purple, req 12,13 = blue
has to be max dmg to be gold, almost max to be purple etc etc
would kinda suck tho...
i usually go for 20/19 mods as it saved lots of money for 1% less effect (which ingame will probally have VERY VERY little or no difference)
weapons should upgrade in colour if you add a max inscription on them e.g i find a 12^50% purple fellblade req 9 and i add a 15^50 inscription and it turns gold.
edit: the old weapon grading system doesnt work now becuase weapons are completly moddable, only the req matters so maybe gold/purple should go on the req and whether its max dmg alone??
i.e. req 8,9 = gold req 10,11 = purple, req 12,13 = blue
has to be max dmg to be gold, almost max to be purple etc etc
would kinda suck tho...
Wow! Thanks Savio! That was a great history. I've been playing for about a year (and I'm a noob that favors usable drops for me or from friends and then collector stuff.) Your post answered a few questions I've always wondered about.