Okay, I recently bought Night Fall. (I am new at this game) and my friends suggested me to buy prophecies since most skills from prophecies are worth using. So I bought that too.
Now if I link up my NF account with prophecies key-code, will my prophecies chracters share same storage? can prophecies get in to NF storage from prophecies region?
Character storage?
Dark Angle
its one storage for all your characters if accounts are linked
but if you don't link then characters from Nightfall cannot go to Prophecies and vice versa.
Yes. If you link the two keys, all your characters will share one storage on one account. Also, any runes, upgrades, skills you unlock on either Nightfall or Prophecies characters will be available (for use in PvP and for your Heroes) on that account.
Note though: Prophecies has a tutorial area referred to as Pre-sear (before Ascalon is seared by the Charr). There is NO storage in this area. To access storage, finish up the tutorial, talk to Sir Tydus and get the quest to leave the academy. After a short quest, you'll arrive in an Ascalon that looks like a nuke went off. Find the Xunlai Storage Agent, pay 50g, and you'll have access to your storage.
Note though: Prophecies has a tutorial area referred to as Pre-sear (before Ascalon is seared by the Charr). There is NO storage in this area. To access storage, finish up the tutorial, talk to Sir Tydus and get the quest to leave the academy. After a short quest, you'll arrive in an Ascalon that looks like a nuke went off. Find the Xunlai Storage Agent, pay 50g, and you'll have access to your storage.
Oh cool, so I will link it up.
SO, if I link it up, my phro characters will share stgorage with nightfall? (meaning no region restgriction)
PS. Mind my spelling,it's hard typing on laptop that belongs to your sis'.
Anyways, thanks, this site is the bomb. Everyone is so freaking nice ^_^
SO, if I link it up, my phro characters will share stgorage with nightfall? (meaning no region restgriction)
PS. Mind my spelling,it's hard typing on laptop that belongs to your sis'.
Anyways, thanks, this site is the bomb. Everyone is so freaking nice ^_^
Oh cool, so I will link it up.
SO, if I link it up, my phro characters will share stgorage with nightfall? (meaning no region restgriction)
PS. Mind my spelling,it's hard typing on laptop that belongs to your sis'.
Anyways, thanks, this site is the bomb. Everyone is so freaking nice ^_^
SO, if I link it up, my phro characters will share stgorage with nightfall? (meaning no region restgriction)
PS. Mind my spelling,it's hard typing on laptop that belongs to your sis'.
Anyways, thanks, this site is the bomb. Everyone is so freaking nice ^_^
It will be the same storage. Doesn't matter where you open it or who opens it. Everyone of your characters on your account will access the same storage. The only difference might be if you have one character that hasn't paid for the crafting materials storage tab, that character won't see it. But that's an additional feature that 50g can solve.