Longsword drops?

Alcalium Fusstar

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Militairy Proffesionals


Ello, im looking for a place where (golden) longswords drop "often" more then on other places, can anyone help me please . i really want a longsword and im too poor to buy one.

thx for your reply's , and for reading ofcourse

Greetz El Fusstar

adamu yasha

adamu yasha

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

I live in a bit of a dump

The Guards Of Shiro


Well i was in fow the other day and used a obsidian key on a chest a found a gold longsword.Hopefully that was helpful. hope it was

Alcalium Fusstar

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Militairy Proffesionals


i did 1000 of chestruns but never had a longsword



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

You could buy a perfect one at Droknar's Forge from the crafter, much cheaper than 1000 keys:




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

At my computer

Teh Nine [lll]


Apparently you missed the "gold" part of his post.

Tobias Funke

Tobias Funke

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Following of Xanthar


The crafted ones don't have the same skin. Long swords can drop just about anywhere. I got a gold req 9 one from a termite on the Marga Coast once.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006




Pretty sure the collector skin is different from the actual Long Sword skin that drops in explorable areas.

Originally Posted by GuildWiki
Long Swords are a random drop. They do not seem to be more or less common in any particular area. They are also common at Collectors and weaponsmiths, where they usually have the appearance of a Rinblade or Short Sword instead of the one in the displayed image.

Alcalium Fusstar

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Militairy Proffesionals


but i still dont have a "good" answer

Tobias Funke

Tobias Funke

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Following of Xanthar


Don't think you're gonna get one. Sorry.

Franco Power

Franco Power

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2006



just farm some money or do some quests and buy one, Long swords arent that expensive and i reckon youd get one faster that way...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

The Droks crafter does make the long, silver bladed sword as opposed to the stubby black one. Does a perfect blue sword function any different than a perfect gold one? Your choice, hunt forever/pay thru the nose for a gold or spend 5k and get one now.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Long swords are a 'core' weapon, so they can drop in just about every single area of the game. I guess the only way to narrow it down is to say "Search in Tyria" because then you don't have to worry about Factions or Nightfall content reducing your odds. As Legendary suggested - it would be FAR easier to just save your money until you could afford the weapon you wanted than to count on a lucky drop.


Badly Influenced

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Originally Posted by Alcalium Fusstar
but i still dont have a "good" answer
The list of things that people claim to have seen them drop from on the wiki long sword page might be a "good" place to start.

IME, I find chests near monsters that can drop one of the desired items is probably more likely that chests around monsters that don't.

I'll take it on faith that you know there's no functional difference between a perfect gold long sword and a collector's long sword, and you're just going for looks.

And for the record, Cheers! I like the idea of hunting your own pretty toys rather than farming gold and hanging around LA or the sell forums. Yeah, it takes longer, but it's a game! May fortune favor ya, Alcalium!


Alcalium Fusstar

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Militairy Proffesionals


haha anyways thanks for the answers, i will farm some gold i think and buy a decent one with req9 15^50 or something.

Moa Bird Cultist

Moa Bird Cultist

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Originally Posted by DeanBB
The Droks crafter does make the long, silver bladed sword as opposed to the stubby black one. Does a perfect blue sword function any different than a perfect gold one? Your choice, hunt forever/pay thru the nose for a gold or spend 5k and get one now.
Actually, it uses the oh-so-meh shortsword skin. I know this, cause I made one myself, way back when...

As for drop locations, yeah, anywhere really - I got a nice purple inscribable one the other day. Although Wingblades still rule over Longswords imo



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006


Heroes Etc [HeEt]

Back int he days of trolls farming with me war, I got a gold, req 8 15% enchanted one there, and a few other gold longswords, though not as good.

Also the chests in whitmans seems to fire out longswords quite regularly, but beware the grapes from there, they can leave u feeling a bit sour

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

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Join Date: Jan 2006





Search Longswords.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

My first perfect LongSword, that I continue to use today, dropped from a Bladed Aatxe in the Underworld. Of course this was around May of last year when rare drops and ecto were plentiful.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

Actually, it uses the oh-so-meh shortsword skin. I know this, cause I made one myself, way back when...
That's interesting, cuz a guildie said he got his by crafting it at Droks and it was the long silver bladed sword. Perhaps he was confusing 2 different swords?

I know I was disappointed when the collector "longsword" turned out to be the black stubby rinblade.

Thom Bangalter

Thom Bangalter


Join Date: Dec 2005



hey, don't dis the rinblade.

Yeah, collectors with longswords are usually rinblades, and crafters with them are actually shortsword skins.

As someone else mentioned, getting a perfect one isn't too expensive, I wouldn't pay more than 20k for a 15^50 one, and you could probably come up with that amount in about a week, or grind it in a couple days.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

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I've had most of my long swords in the maguuma jungle and the best one i've had was a (Req 9 15^50)
And as far as i remember it dropped from a root behemoth in a place called dry top (Maguuma jungle).

Check these out of you want to try there, and good luck.
