Need A Good Dervish Pve Build!!!

Xeones The Great

Xeones The Great


Join Date: Nov 2006

American District 1

NDR|||We are recruiting|||PM me

so i need a build

i dont know bout secondary, i was leaning toward warrior (wild blow + tactics)

soo post here i was lookin for these skills:


sig of pious light
mystic regen
vital boon
-damage slot-
-elite slot-
-IAS maybe heart of fury-
-intervention faithful or watchful-

of course, u can change the skills, but not attributes

thank you very much!



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006


Well i would suggest trying my build i didnt really read your whole post... just the part about looking for a PvE build, and i really enjoy this one.

Skills: ideal skills would be
Victorious Sweep|Eremite's Attack|Mystic Sweep|Mystic Vigor|Frigid Armor|Conjure Frost|Mirror of Ice|Resurrection Signet.
My bar is
attributes are:

its pretty simple, maintain the enchantments in battle and use your attack skills, if you use the attacks in the order that they are in it makes a pretty humongous spike on up to 3 targets at once. (I origionally posted this on GuildWiki)
Its always fun to have more armor than your tanks and be compleatly immune to those annoying SF eles.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

San Diego, CA

Penguin Village


Woooo yay for SF hate.
Is there a reason you don't have a rune or anything for Scythe Mastery?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006


Well I use the same armor for running (and i need runes for that) but you could throw on a minor scythe rune if you wanted, i just dont find it necessary.

I would also like to point out that there is no avatar (which is a very good thing)