Question For Gaile Grey or others


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006

Guardians Of The Celtic Cross


I have yet to see anything on this question so Im asking... This quesion is about weapon req's.. I was wanting to know if there is a difference in the damage out put of a req 8 sword and a req 12 sword.

Suppose I have a req 8 sword with no mods on it and my swordsmanship at 16 do I do more damage with it, then if I were using a req 12 sword with no mods and swordsmanship at 16?

If there is no difference then why do people spend hundreds of thousands of gold for low req weapons. I know you would be able to do the max damage sooner with a low req weapon. But like with swords most people have it maxed out anyway... So why the big fuss over low req?

But I was once told the larger the gap between the weapons req and the attribute points you have aloted to swordsmanship the more damage the sword does. So if I have a req 8 sword and my swordsmanship at 16. Whould I do more damage then if it were a req 12 sword and swordsmanship at 16?

If there is a difference in damage out put then how do you calculate the difference?

If anyone could help me on this it would help.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

1. It's Gray, not Grey. She's not British, to JR's disappointment.

2. Search works wonders when you put in the right words.

Search: weapon requirements

Weapon requirements

I don't know why it wasn't in the sticky so I'll add it. Closed.