Ritualist Ashes


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


After browsing through the wiki and search fcns on this board I'm still confused as to the meaning of the descriptions behind how to use the Ashes.

Take the spell "Lively was Naomei".
Originally Posted by GuildWiki
Hold Naomei's ashes for up to 45 seconds. When you drop her ashes, all party members in the area are resurrected with 15...63% Health and zero energy.
I know that the more points you put into restoration magic the more health you get but i'm confused about the 45 second part (all the ashes seem to have this).

Is there any benefit for holding it longer? How soon after you hold it can you drop it to gain the benefits? If you can gain them immediately, why does it specify holding the ashes for x amount of time?




Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


It specifies that because after 45 seconds the ashes simply disappear. Think of ashes as sort of like enchantment spells that can't be striped. How long you can hold the ashes is the maximum amount of time you can carry the ashes around to use them.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

You can drop them anytime.

But this is the maximum duration during after which they are automatically dropped.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


as for why, aside from the obvious, they can't be stripped aspect, certain insignias give armor, etc bonuses while you hold an item, the ashes count as an item.

Archon Calran

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


I found out that if you are killed while holding her ashes it will rez you. So being able to hold it longer is being able to hold her ashes long enough so that when your killed you can rez yourself, or your group if you chose.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Oregon, USA

"Hold Naomei's ashes for up to 45 seconds." and "are resurrected with 15...63% Health and zero energy."

If you read this i would say if you drop it upon casting it will rez with 15% and if you hold it till the 45 seconds ends you rez with 63%.

Gotta love READING the description.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Reapers of Solace


Originally Posted by Stormcloud
"Hold Naomei's ashes for up to 45 seconds." and "are resurrected with 15...63% Health and zero energy."

If you read this i would say if you drop it upon casting it will rez with 15% and if you hold it till the 45 seconds ends you rez with 63%.

Gotta love READING the description.
You need to READ too. The amount of health (15...63%) depends on your attribute level in whatever attribute this skill is in. Holding for 45 seconds is just how long you CAN hold the ashes for; there is no benefit in holding it longer.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Oregon, USA

Originally Posted by kaheiyeh
You need to READ too. The amount of health (15...63%) depends on your attribute level in whatever attribute this skill is in. Holding for 45 seconds is just how long you CAN hold the ashes for; there is no benefit in holding it longer.
I have a rit, im fairly certain im right but meh i've been wrong before.

WHEN you drop her ashes, all party members in the area are resurrected with 15...63%Health and zero energy.

It can be viewed both ways but they way I read it, the level of health depends on length of holding.

Change Att's and it might be 7-43% get my point?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Officer's Club

Gameamp Guides [AMP]

I am fairly certain that if you have the spell equipped the description will not list a range, but a set percentage based on your rank in the associated attribute.
The OP description sounds more like a wiki decription.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by Stormcloud
If you read this i would say if you drop it upon casting it will rez with 15% and if you hold it till the 45 seconds ends you rez with 63%.
no, the 15%...63% is based on the attribute level, just as it is with every skill description. on the wiki, if you see "X...Y", its the attribute spread 0-12. the 45 seconds is just the maximum time that you CAN hold those particular ashes.

remember, rits get armor bonuses from holding items, and some skills have bonuses when used while holding ashes. thats why some can be held longer than it would seem they need to be.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Oregon, USA

Well I do know some of the dmg ones do more dmg based upon how long you hold it so thats why im thinking the way I am I guess.

Rather than continue based on what I "thought" it meant based for whatever reason on some other skill I decided to go check it out in game. I was wrong.

The value changes based on points period. Actually at 16 Att's you get 79%

45 second hold time is probly as pointed out above used for "item holding bonuses"

I stand corrected and sorry I didnt think to go check after my first post.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Thanks for clearing that up. I was monking the other day (as Mo/Rt) and wanted to try the spell out on frozen soil but wasn't able to since everyone else was casting rebirth on the dead player; I didn't mind as it was only a spell and I could try another time. I just wanted the clarificaiton.
