The Avicara have come to kill me!
Domon Kasho
Ok so i was on a IDS run and i got to the mineral springs zone and stopped to check the time only to notice this!.What do you all think of this?
getn u through the poral? thats new haha
probably means they could smell you from a mile away so go take a shower!
They must have smelt wammmooooo.....
I've had that happen before, they'll actually attack the stone summit there if any are still alive, and they'll keep coming until you enter the portal, kill 1 group, another will appear shortly thereafter, repeat until done or dead
They have always done that... at least for me anyway. Trolls have done it to me also in the LA area.
Domon Kasho
Originally Posted by Mavrik
They have always done that... at least for me anyway. Trolls have done it to me also in the LA area.
those are ettins i believe and its part of a quest when they do it. the prize pig or something like that.
infinity paradox
Originally Posted by Domon Kasho
those are ettins i believe and its part of a quest when they do it. the prize pig or something like that.
when i farmed fire imps outside there, they use to spawn right next to me occiasionaly.
Etins do it if you have the quest about a pig in the area activated.. the great hog or something..
Vahn Roi
They've followed my group through a portal once before, it was pretty funny.
Tengu > humans
Tengu > humans
Mr D J
That's because you had mending.
Domon Kasho
Originally Posted by Mr D J
That's because you had mending.
damn i always knew mending sucked but damn. now it comes with free baddies
Former Ruling
the portal into Mineral Springs has always done that too me :\