There's a huge war, like we all imagine the searing to be, but instead of it consisting of a few cutscenes and a mission or two, we have a huge zone that acts like a town (with multiple individual people in it). This would obviously be a much larger event than Halloween or Wintersday.
There would be a title for participation. There would be a number of ranks (like you would have in a real army) and each rank you progress would increase your standing in the army and unlock a (or multiple) rank-specific skill(s) for use on your character.
Title levels will not be easy to achieve.
Recruit Skill - Dying Blow: If you die while under the effects of this enchantment, you perform a Dying blow, hitting for 20 extra damage.
Soldier Skill - Adrenaline Rush: Your next 10 attacks hit for 10 extra damage.
Knight Skill (caster primaries would be Knight-Mage) - Cunning Strike: You perform a critical attack OR Your next spell deals 35 extra damage.
Officer Skill (Shout) - "Raiding Party": Summons 5 NPC militia of your level to fight by your side.
Commander Skills (Shouts):
"Archers Reload!" All rangers in earshot have their marksmanship-linked skills recharged.
"Arrows Incoming!" All shield-wearing characters in earshot have a 75% chance to block arrows for 15 seconds while not attacking, however receive 75% more damage from melee attacks.
"Mages Forward!" All characters in earshot deal 65% more damage with their next spell (duration 10 seconds).
"Charge Them!" All Warriors in earshot move 20% faster and deal 35 more damage with their next attack (duration 10 seconds).
General Skills
Aura of Courage: While you maintain this enchantment, all characters within ~double aggro circle radius~ deal 15 more damage with attacks or spells.
Aura of Fortitude: While you maintain this enchantment, all characters within ~double aggro circle radius~ take 10 less damage from attacks.
Aura of Regeneration: While you maintain this enchantment, all characters within ~double aggro circle radius~ have 4 health regeneration while attacking.
Aura of Agility: While you maintain this enchantment, all characters within ~double aggro circle radius~ move 25% faster and have a 25% chance to dodge attacks.
War enemies won't be your run of the mill enemies, they will spawn fast, come quickly and be of a high level (average level 25, with some being at approx. 30 and others being around 18).
A good percentage (20%ish) will be bosses.
The war will have an effect on the game world.
If we succeed in defeating the enemy, we will take posession of their country and settlers from ascalon (or some other random place) will take up residence and there will be a "New Ascalon" or "New Other Place".
If we fail, we will feel the effects of habitation by invaders and two new questlines will open up. An "elite" one and a "casual" one. Players will have the opportunity to join one (or neither) of those.
The "elite" questline will involve being a major part of a "rebellion" and will involve various difficult quests in different areas.
The "casual" questline will involve "goals" that people have to complete for the "rebellion". They will not be timed. For example: To provide armor for the rebellion's armor, you are required to collect materials from the ruins of Orr/Old Ascalon for our armorers to issue armor for our fighters.
This is far from polished/complete, but anyone else have any C+C/additions?