I was wondering how people were working around the lack of a alliance member roster communication screen in guildwars. For example: We have a very mature large in game alliance and are always having events and trying to promote communication. Our members are always asking why they can't see an allies roster to send messages instead of keeping a large friends list. A screen similar to the travel screen screen except for messaging would be ideal. Has any one found an easy way around this limitation?
Thank you
Alliance communication limitation
Elder of Clan
Use Alliance Cat? I'd really like an "Alliance Annoucement" box similar to the Guild Announcement, except put it on the top of the Alliance page. I know Bill, with 10 XoO guilds to keep track of, would love an Alliance-wide announcement box.
Elder of Clan
We use alliance chat but its so limited with so many people. I agree a alliance announcement box would be great. On the guild hall travel selection screen it would be great to be able to hit a button and see that guilds roster. People could see who is on from that guild and message them without keeping long friend lists.
We use alliance chat but its so limited with so many people. I agree a alliance announcement box would be great. On the guild hall travel selection screen it would be great to be able to hit a button and see that guilds roster. People could see who is on from that guild and message them without keeping long friend lists.
Yes, that would be great and would seem to be easily implemented: just add a list box at the top of the guild roster to select which guild you wish to view. Of course if you are not a member of that guild then all you can do is whisper to them, promote/delete/kick options would not be available.
Yeah, i am sure a great deal of alliances fail due to poor communication. There is very minimal ways for alliance members to communicate with each other (TS/Vent, alliance chat, friends list). I would definitely like to see some type of communication improvement happen. One of which is being able to see rosters of allied guilds. They can probably just make several layered tabs for each allied guild or like you said.....a drop down box. This would stop me from adding every officer/leader of each alliance guild onto my friends list so I know when they are online if a problem arises. Off-topic, I also wouldnt mind seeing "folders/groups" on the friends list either. If I got a huge friends list, I wouldnt mind making groups like "HA Buddies", "PvE Buddies", "Alliance Guild Officer 1", etc.
Elder of Clan
It would be really great if they implemented it for Factions. It was guild wars support who suggested I seek ideas from here
Its getting real hard even with our older player base not to get messaging extremes on the alliance chat. To make matters worse we have a sister guild because of the hall limit and that makes the messaging even harder between the two halves of the guild.