Granite Citadel
Cassandra Tanacel
I took a few Guildies up to here for the ascended armour
District 1 (european) was full of Monk warriors (guildie took a screenshot which i can get).
Is this farming bots?? (00:10 GMT)
District 1 (european) was full of Monk warriors (guildie took a screenshot which i can get).
Is this farming bots?? (00:10 GMT)
Smile Like Umean It
They're probably there to cap SOJ.
Mesmer in Need
or bots farming avica/stone summit
granite is a popular area for monks due to SOJ elite and a few easy farms especially for runes... so i wouldn't see the point of using bots there as there are much more profittable places to take a 55 but maybe the euro's know something i don't
What is the purpose of this post? To report players for being in Granite Citadel on their Mo/W?
i dun really care if they are bots they will get ban sorry or later
Riken Chrono
nah another person that cant ignore bots
If you see a lot of the same profession in one area, all doing the same thing, you're bound to wonder what's going on. Bots or not it looks weird. Personally they should be banned. It's cheating, end of.
Also seen a lot of level 20 Monk/Mesmers in Port Sledge - International District...=s
Cassandra Tanacel
i ask because i have never seen bot farming before and wondered if it was
Thanks to those for helpful replies!
Thanks to those for helpful replies!
Saw the mention of rune farming, and I just had to share this thought ...
Maybe the bots are looking for bloodstained insignia.
Doubtful, I know ... but wouldn't it be great! lol
Maybe the bots are looking for bloodstained insignia.

Doubtful, I know ... but wouldn't it be great! lol
I just read a post about Mo/W Icy Dragon Sword farming...running through Tasca's Demise and Mineral Springs starting at Granite Citadel. Could be that.
Originally Posted by Cassandra Tanacel
i ask because i have never seen bot farming before and wondered if it was
Thanks to those for helpful replies! |

IDS farming is definately a possibility, had forgotten that. As to whether or not theyre bots, see if they follow the same paths, repetedly go to same merchant/trader, ect.
Kai Darklight
Originally Posted by Cassandra Tanacel
I took a few Guildies up to here for the ascended armour
District 1 (european) was full of Monk warriors (guildie took a screenshot which i can get). Is this farming bots?? (00:10 GMT) |

The player responsible will probably be banned soon anyway.
So thats where all the monks went...

Are they running around randomly, saying 'Are yoy ok?'
The yoy bots crack me up.
The yoy bots crack me up.
Next time you see a huge group of the same profession in a town or outpost and it looks weird, try PMing them and come up with something
"Hello. I was wondering if you could grace me with your presence on helping [insert something here here like a quest/mission/task]
If they don't say something. That is probably clue #1 (though not always the case). If they don't answer, kindly ask them again in a different approach.
"My group is searching for a [insert suspicious person's profession here] to complete our well rounded group. Would you be so kind to join"
Bots aren't really programmed to interract with people. There is a possibility that they may have their status to "offline" so that you can't PM them. If you do the same technique to all of them, you can probably get a clue on what they may be up to. If you notice that they are all "offline", something fishy is going on. "Hmmmmmm....there are 15 Mo/W in Granite and when I tried to PM them, ALL of them were offline...hmmmmm". If they DO happen to answer your PMs, more than likely it will be a No when you ask for help (because that is a Monk's favorite word). In that case, just ask them "Is there something important you are doing at the moment?" If they say "Yes", then ask them "May I ask what?" You might actually get an answer from them and finally find out.
Anyways, overall bots are "stupid" and most of the "programs/macros" that are written are poorly implemented and is easily identified. Just my $0.02
"Hello. I was wondering if you could grace me with your presence on helping [insert something here here like a quest/mission/task]
If they don't say something. That is probably clue #1 (though not always the case). If they don't answer, kindly ask them again in a different approach.
"My group is searching for a [insert suspicious person's profession here] to complete our well rounded group. Would you be so kind to join"
Bots aren't really programmed to interract with people. There is a possibility that they may have their status to "offline" so that you can't PM them. If you do the same technique to all of them, you can probably get a clue on what they may be up to. If you notice that they are all "offline", something fishy is going on. "Hmmmmmm....there are 15 Mo/W in Granite and when I tried to PM them, ALL of them were offline...hmmmmm". If they DO happen to answer your PMs, more than likely it will be a No when you ask for help (because that is a Monk's favorite word). In that case, just ask them "Is there something important you are doing at the moment?" If they say "Yes", then ask them "May I ask what?" You might actually get an answer from them and finally find out.
Anyways, overall bots are "stupid" and most of the "programs/macros" that are written are poorly implemented and is easily identified. Just my $0.02
They all follow the same path and funny enough they run into a sign turn 360 degrees and then out of the portal LOL

I disagree about the offline and refusal to help generalizations above. Yeah, the situation described in the OP sounds suspect, but please don't go promoting such a generalization that could too easily get any number of innocent people grouped in with the evil (and against the UA) bots. 
When I'm farming (not a bot. me. actually sitting here farming) or just working through quests and maps at my own pace to get a character, my monk or another, where it needs to be for teaming up with friends, I'm not there to help the "GLF" teams.
Sometimes I'll set my status to offline to avoid seeming rude to friends that might whisper while I'm afk. And I might also leave it online in case a friend needed to ask me something.
Neither of those are against the UA. Nor is there anything in the UA requiring someone to help you or to respond to you ... not even when you ask politely.
If you see suspicious activity, report it to NCSoft, or start a thread like this one here. But please leave the investigative work and the conclusions to the people with activity logs and god-modes.

When I'm farming (not a bot. me. actually sitting here farming) or just working through quests and maps at my own pace to get a character, my monk or another, where it needs to be for teaming up with friends, I'm not there to help the "GLF" teams.
Sometimes I'll set my status to offline to avoid seeming rude to friends that might whisper while I'm afk. And I might also leave it online in case a friend needed to ask me something.
Neither of those are against the UA. Nor is there anything in the UA requiring someone to help you or to respond to you ... not even when you ask politely.
If you see suspicious activity, report it to NCSoft, or start a thread like this one here. But please leave the investigative work and the conclusions to the people with activity logs and god-modes.