This happened yesterday, there was someone in the alliance who got a run to Droks. So the furthest he has gone is Beacon. So he went to the guildhall and for some reason, he ended up in RA. Anyway, he goes back to the guildhall and leaves, he ends back in RA. He does not have Lion Arch mapped yet. {see where I'm going with this?} and so, can not use the ship. He can't get back to Droks.
What we did is someone went to Droks, went to the guildhall, added him into the party and left...back at Droks.
Is that the only way?
What happens if there are no one in the guild or alliance that can help him?
Stuck in limbo.
Stuck in limbo.
The Chef
Commander Ryker
He going to have to work his way to LA, just like everyone else. He can console himself with his max armor.
If you managed to get back to Droks you should be able to map to beacons. The method you posted is how to rescue people from that.
The Chef
Once in Droks, he has no problems. It's the getting back to Droks the problem.
Titan Chrae
It's not that hard to run to LA from Beacons. If he caught a ride to Droks a ride to LA should be cake. Once he is LA, I assume, the issue will be resolved.
Sounds like your guildie is attempting to hit M and use the boat on the Battle Isles map, and not the "Leave guild hall" button. Did you already try that?