New Year's Event Timezone question.

Jason Xll

Jason Xll


Join Date: Sep 2005

Ice Tooth Cave


Hey IIRC last year people on European servers got their Jule Caps/Horns of Grenth before the americans. If this is true I'd like to know exacly how early because I'm a european on americans districts and I'm not very eager to spend the night of the 31st-1st in front of the pc waiting for the avatars to appear every 4 hours to get head gear for my chars (what I did last year and regret immensely ). Can someone recall last year's event and tell me the time (GMT) of the event on EU servers.

Also I have no territory changes remaining and am stuck in US servers. A friend of mine in the same position talked to Gaile Grey about this and i believe she said that sending an email to Arena net and asking them to change me back to my home districts one final time is possible. Can someone also confirm this and if it is true give me the email address (not to experienced with addressing Anet )

Thank you in advance.

Scorpion Boy

Scorpion Boy

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

It's possible to change it back 1 last time by sending an e-mail to Anet, I did it to.