While I think this is an interesting idea and would love to give my ele a nice Legendary Survivor title, I'm afraid I can't agree with this. Here's why. The survivor title track, to me anyway, means that you simply cannot die. Yes, error 7 is annoying and lag deaths suck but guess what? Those are (unfortunately) part of the game. So if you want the Legendary Survivor title, you have to take those issues into account.
Some tips for getting the title.
- Play in easier areas. Don't try beating any of the campaigns until you get the title.
- Always travel with a trusted and experienced monk.
- Do NOT use all henchmen/heroes.
- Get items to increase your health and armor as much as you can.
- Do NOT use superior runes or any other rune that decreases your health until you get the title.
- Don't play with PUGs.
- Pull mobs slowly.
- Never assume you won't get disconnected or you won't experience a lag spike. So try not to take aggro (this becomes tricky if you're a warrior...).
- If you have Factions, head over to Cantha to get the title. Do all the quests in Kaineng. You'll get a huge amount of experience there.
- Head to the FoW or UW and repeat the same few starting quests. Again make sure to travel with an experienced and non-PUG group.
I don't believe they should change the title for the reasons given. Changing it so that you can get it even if you've died defeats the purpose of the title. It's meant to be difficult to get. Giving people multiple tries on the same character would cheapen the title, especially for those that earned it despite lag deaths and error 7.
For those of you that are also against this, why do you have to be so rude? Even if you disagree you can still do it in a respectful manner.
Aera, the error 7 problem has NOTHING to do with someone's connection in many cases. I've seen it happen on numerous types of connections ranging from 56K to T3, all with different service providers (many of which are quite reliable in other games). Guild Wars can operate with very little bandwidth so the speed of the connection really doesn't seem to matter a huge amount when it comes to playing the game (updates and loading are another matter).
Most of the time it happens for no apparent reason and without any warning. Since my Internet connection is *not* interrupted during this time (yes, I've tested this), I think it's easy to conclude that it isn't just on our end.