Changing your character's name


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

Be Aggressive B E Aggressive [AGRO]


Is this possible? I read a post by Gaile Gray (sorry if spelling is wrong) on a different site that names could be changed but my guildies say it cannot? Tried to reply on the other site but could not register because of some bot verification thing on it will not accept my "answer"..his comments are below:

"Lastly, names are a particularly sensitive issue. Words that are generally considered offensive are blocked by the chat filter, but they may make it across into a name, and names are not blocked by that same filter. The player who uses the highest filter setting doesn't get names filtered, too, at least not yet. We'll probably be more likely to block a name that crosses the line, and maybe now you can understand why. With the ability to rename, the only "cost" is a modest time-out and a two-minute name change process."


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

if a name has been reported and then judged offensive that character will be given the option to rename.

earlier you were forced to delete the character losing everything on it.

no changes of

*i want to change it*

are allowed


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

The ONLY time you can change your character's name is if it's found to be offensive and A-Net gives you a one-time pass to change it. That's it.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

Be Aggressive B E Aggressive [AGRO]


That is why I wanted to warr's name could offend and it was my 1st or second character I made. I hadn't read the rules or anything so didn't know it could be an issue until I had dumped a lot of time into the character so have been worried ever since I learned that you could be banned for character names




Join Date: Oct 2005

Ogmios Graybeards


Hey, no Nazi's at ANET afaik. I don't believe they'll ban you, just give you the opportunity to change it. From the "tone" of your post your name MAY be mildly offensive to some, but that won't get you booted.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2006

Be Aggressive B E Aggressive [AGRO]


it has the word arse in it..don't know if that is bad enough or not but they have said nothing so far and if they do it will not bother me to change it