Anyone having triple fun?

Kelsey Cain

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006

Not a bean so far - no keys and can't find any chests

Anyone had any better luck?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

...deep within the sylvan splendor...

Order of the Migrating Coconuts [ALBA]

Not I. Went bopping out into the Realm of Torment where I'd seen lots of Margonite chests earlier but nary a one was to be found. Ruptured Heart map, same thing. So retreated to Vabbi wherein I saw two chests (only had one key, of course) and a grape high req fire wand fell out.

In over an hour of play only two chests, no keys fallen. Hmmmmmm. Maybe I'll go out later and work a little on my cartographer title although there isn't a lot left to it.......



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


No keys - but three chests, three golds - Mirror of Lyss


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

Yes we got about 6 demonic keys finishing gloom, the only chest was the one at the end though...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006



I'm 28/46 rares/chests in Mirror of Lyss, my last run was a 5 gold one.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


no dropped keys (yet?)... 1 gold out of 9 opened chests (domain of secrets)


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


I'm getting loads of golds now, I opened 30 chests now, and about 20 of them were gold. No keys dropped, though. But I dont kill monsters, either, so...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005




I've been playing alot the past two days and had about two golds, counted 13 purples in a row earlier. No exaggeration.



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


2nd run (keep getting interrupted) - 1 key/1 gold/1 purple - Mirror of Lyss
3rd run - 0 key/2 gold/1 purple - Mirror of Lyss

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


I hope i can get some decent weapons, haven't done chests run in a while now!

Venus was her name

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Cornwall, UK


well....myself and a guildy did a farm run through our secret farming place in the desolation.

then went on a chest run in about 3 areas in the desolation.

about 20 chests and 10 rares...

no key drops

im pretty sure in the area we farm the "weekend" thing isn't in effect. becuase as soon as we zoned the the area nextdoor we had almost 100% gold chest drops.

maybe bad luck but i doubt it



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005

No luck with keys.. but chests seem to be fine. My heroes are loving their new items

Senator Tom

Senator Tom


Join Date: Aug 2005




~30 chests all gold in doa for me



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006


I was farming outside of rihlon refuge and got 3/4 golds out of a kournan chest. (20% enchanting pommel and 20/20 axe thing) WEWT


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



1st 8 chests 7 gold then an update next 8 chests 7 purple. I wonder what happend in that update. Now theres another which will probley lower the drop rate even more. Also 6 of these golds are been utter crap. ie req 13 and +14% while hexed. did get 2 15^50 mods but thats about it.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

I did a few runs in Mirror of Lyss and much golds


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

score so far: 14golds 1 purple, not a single key.
A sup vig, which is nice

My Green Storage

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


My Blue Storage


Chest running in Mirror of Lyss .. started good. Salvaged jewel and ruby daggers for their rare material counterpart (1ru 1sa) .. then level'd out for a few runs ..

What comes out of a vabbi chest?
... Req 9 Command Diamond Aegis ...

I'm not worrying about key drops via monsters.

Did check out the area where Exuro spawns. Saw maybe 1 chest. Not worth the time.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

10 vabbi key purchased, 7 golds - I would say that wasn't bad.

However, I don't need them and hate selling in in the trade channels so I blew the rest of my gold the last piece of vabbian armor I want instead of getting a title I will not display.

I'll probably do another 10 or so chests before it is over with anyway, I can always replace a green with a gold on my heroes.

Muk Utep

Muk Utep

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2006

Seems like there is indeed a better chance to get golds from chests. As for key drops, either it doesn't work, or the default chance is so low that multiplying it by 3 has no visible effect. I find a key maybe once a week, so pulling numbers out of my rear, let's say any enemy has a 0.02% chance to drop a key. Multiplying that by 3 is 0.06% which is really not a difference you'd notice during one "farming session" (assuming that you don't farm for 12 hours straight).

Cow Tale

Cow Tale

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ocean Shores, Washington

Last Sun Rise


havent been in elona yet but im having a crap load of gold sdrop from monsters in cantha. got 17 in about 3 hours. i thought that was kinda wierd.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


None atm


I've gotten a godly amount of golds from chests in 5 hours. Gonna go blow another 60k on keys ^_~

(And I've had 2 Kournan Keys drop in a 3-minute time span in Barbarous Shore.. )



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

...deep within the sylvan splendor...

Order of the Migrating Coconuts [ALBA]

Well, all in all I spent over three hours out and about in Elona last night. Spent time in Mirror of Lyss, Alkali Pan, Yahtendi Canyon, worked my way up to the Fortress of Jahai, and around in the Realm of Torment. Here's the results:

*Finished a couple quests I'd forgotten about, always a good thing

*NO key drops

*Only 4 chests within all the maps, total. Only 1 gold, a nice (high req, tho) hornbow that my ranger immediately tried out

*Approx. 2K in gold coins dropped plus whatever pittance the merchant gave me for the other icky stuff

*Black dye - my third in almost a year and a half of play!

*The green Air ele off-hand dropped when I had to persuade the boss to get out of my way. Sweet, my ele can equip it when she goes back to Air and Earth

*Uncovered another nearly 2% of the map for the cartography title

So, all in all, the evening was highly successful even if it was not what was advertised.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


None atm


Originally Posted by FalconDance
Well, all in all I spent over three hours out and about in Elona last night. Spent time in Mirror of Lyss, Alkali Pan, Yahtendi Canyon, worked my way up to the Fortress of Jahai, and around in the Realm of Torment. Here's the results:

*Finished a couple quests I'd forgotten about, always a good thing

*NO key drops

*Only 4 chests within all the maps, total. Only 1 gold, a nice (high req, tho) hornbow that my ranger immediately tried out

*Approx. 2K in gold coins dropped plus whatever pittance the merchant gave me for the other icky stuff

*Black dye - my third in almost a year and a half of play!

*The green Air ele off-hand dropped when I had to persuade the boss to get out of my way. Sweet, my ele can equip it when she goes back to Air and Earth

*Uncovered another nearly 2% of the map for the cartography title

So, all in all, the evening was highly successful even if it was not what was advertised.
Just so you know. There are always 4 chests in every 'high-end' area. Always. I farm Crystal Overlook chests, and not once have I found less or more than 4 chests.

And it is what was advertised. You were unlucky.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

Northen California

Avatars of Faith a


200k spent on keys. Chest running in Stygian veil. 63 keys used. 63 gold taken. 6 Igneous blades among many other things. I have hardly got grapes in the Stygian Veil. Been pretty much CR since last week. Try there for alot of golds. BTW if you dont know were this is . Its in the Domain of Anguish.

death fuzzy

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Nefarius Union

6/7 goals from vabbi chests. only 1 decent weapon though.

L|S >+>+G+<+<

L|S >+>+G+<+<

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

hmmm, well I would say that golds are dropping more frequently but as to whether they are any good or not, well I found 1 15^50 mod & a fire wand for me ele hero, aside from that ....m3h......12 chests in doa ....m3h....vabbi chests various places...m3h....keys dropping - had 1 key drop all night (7hrs)

nice update wonder it was called weekend news & not a bonus or anything. certainly created a lot of *news* in this thread.

anyway, we should all know by now that anet doesn't give too much away (unless they're trying to lower the price of greenies :O), so no real dissapointments i guess.

gl & hf!!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Random Logic [rL]


183 chests, 183 golds so far. in one of the doa areas.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005



Did some runs in Poisoned Outcrops..
My luck has never been great, but I'd say approximately 10/15 for me.

2 Vabbian Keys dropped.. in an area with Ancient Elonian Chests..



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

...deep within the sylvan splendor...

Order of the Migrating Coconuts [ALBA]

No, Etrik, I meant that in all six maps I romped in, there were only four chests total, period. Not four in each map. Six maps = four chests. That's not even one chest per map.

Just the day before that, I had seen all sorts of chests in Nightfallen Jahai (more than four, btw, I think there were six or seven. But I was a little busy staying alive.).

I went out for a couple hours yesterday in Vabbi - saw two chests in one map and one in another. All grape. No keys.

But you are right in that I have deplorable 'luck' in chests during these events. It's almost as if my account has a reverse-event .

Venus was her name

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Cornwall, UK


lol these weekends are just money sinks...

"yay lets all go spend 200k on DoA keys"

keys have strated dropping more today chests are going about 75% gold



Likes naked dance offs

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Older Gamers [TOG]

267 Golds 178 purples from Vabbi/Desolation chests over the weekend. I would have been content with a 50/50 spread, so colour me tickled pink.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005



150 keys used in 3 x 50 key segments (I get bored easy) - Vabbian Chests

1st 50 - 38 golds 12 purples - made over 200k from items (lots of runes as well)
2nd 50 - 34 golds 16 purples - 350k - a very nice sun and moon shield among it
3rd 50 - 25 golds 25 purples - very odd occurence with even numbers - 150k so far and still selling.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


None atm


Originally Posted by FalconDance
No, Etrik, I meant that in all six maps I romped in, there were only four chests total, period. Not four in each map. Six maps = four chests. That's not even one chest per map.

Just the day before that, I had seen all sorts of chests in Nightfallen Jahai (more than four, btw, I think there were six or seven. But I was a little busy staying alive.).

I went out for a couple hours yesterday in Vabbi - saw two chests in one map and one in another. All grape. No keys.

But you are right in that I have deplorable 'luck' in chests during these events. It's almost as if my account has a reverse-event .
Go to any high-end area. Explore the entire area. You will find 4 chests. Not one, not two, not three, not five, not six. Four. In each area. Every time.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

In front of my PC



Originally Posted by Etrik
Go to any high-end area. Explore the entire area. You will find 4 chests. Not one, not two, not three, not five, not six. Four. In each area. Every time.
NO NO NO. I explored every part of crystal overlook and saw 2 chests. I went around the garden and got 6. I have been around the garden MANY times and there are NEVER the same amout of chests. EVERY TIME.



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


were keys supposed to drop this weekend? I didnt get any and neither did the guildee I was questing with.... I did buy 1 key and did get a nice gold curses focus from it.....and guildee bought a few and got 1 gold 1 purple (and even got a black dye too)......but then again since I started playing nightfall I have only gotten 4 keys to drop outside the starter island....2 in the same run last week.

as always three times nothing is still nothing....but at least the chests were a bit nicer.

Moa Bird Cultist

Moa Bird Cultist

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Hastings (UK) / Latham (USA)

Freedom Fanatical Scots [FFS]


Originally Posted by Etrik
Go to any high-end area. Explore the entire area. You will find 4 chests. Not one, not two, not three, not five, not six. Four. In each area. Every time.
Not five, eh? You obviously have never been in the Akali Pan on a good day, Sir.

Anyway, weekend was v.good, got both my treasure hunter and seeker titles, as well as rank 4 lightbringer and even had time to get a full 10% of Tyria, bringing me up to 77.8% I had a few really decent ones, though all the inscriptions left a little to be desired, but gold desolation skinned weapons aplenty, not to mention a few ancient skinned golds as well, (I really like the gold ancient scythe skin, got two of those ^^ Anyway, of 40 odd chests, I'd say 30 must have been gold, at least. Not to mention a gold hammer with zealous and perfect enchanting that I had drop in the maguuma jungle for me, non max, but I got both the mods off it. Oh, and I got 0.1% of Elona too - 91.6 now. So yeah, it was one hell of a good weekend for me Ty Anet!

Zephyr Rose

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006




I had about 6 Vabbi keys drop for me, and only spent about two hours on chests/key farming all weekend. Got some nice golds, about 10 out of the 16 chests I opened. The one weekend I had to spend babysitting and working ANet puts on an awesome event like this!! But I think people who didn't get any keys probably just got the short end of the stick. Sorry for the bad luck!

Kid Divinity

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Zydian Coven


I logged about 12 hours of play throughout the weekend and I got 1 Ancient Elonian key drop.... in the Realm of Torment. I did get a sup death rune and a couple decent (arm those heroes!) golds with my purchased keys, however.