How long did it take you to get survivor?
Drake Striker
Griff Mon
The only way I can think to do this is in Factions. Rush yourself off the island as fast as you can and have guildies run the first mission on the mainland with the endless monsters while you stay back out of harms way and soak up all the experience. Probably take a few runs through that mission to do it. You would have to be totally dedicated to self-healing and have another monk keep an eye on you so you don't die.
Seeing as this is an Elonian Character with no skills, I don't know how it could be done that way.
Seeing as this is an Elonian Character with no skills, I don't know how it could be done that way.
He was powerleveled the poor sod. You can somehow powerlvl people quit fast that way ....
Aegis Byrth
1 guild.Two teams, a hero henchie with resurrect and a lv 20 friend with low/no armor - the second team it's only you.
Start a gvg skirmish, take the thief with you on a hill, and tell your friend to enter the guild thief aggro. If propery positioned, the hero will ress-loop your poor friend, while you can go afk and still gain xp.
Every 20 minutes you have to go back and repeat, to avoid being killed in the vod.
Yes, it's lame. VERY lame, and makes the title lose it's original meaning :\
good way to pwrlvl heroes and pets btw :E
Start a gvg skirmish, take the thief with you on a hill, and tell your friend to enter the guild thief aggro. If propery positioned, the hero will ress-loop your poor friend, while you can go afk and still gain xp.
Every 20 minutes you have to go back and repeat, to avoid being killed in the vod.
Yes, it's lame. VERY lame, and makes the title lose it's original meaning :\
good way to pwrlvl heroes and pets btw :E
The Power lvl was done while afk... using the since nerfed scrimage mod. All you need is a person to have norgue with Flesh of my Flesh and fast cast. Once Victory or death occurs the dying side places koss with tanks skills at the enterance of the fort, blocking the guildlord from getting out. The guild lord can't get out, and can't kill koss, so you go afk... the person that is getting power leveled has the guild thief killing the naked dude on the other team. The title is SOOO CHEAP now...Sorry guys it no longer works...
oh, as a side note
Thanks to MediumEddie who can up with this method.
Our guild of 100+ has at least 20 people with the survivor title, and 3 Legendary Survivor's.
Thanks to MediumEddie who can up with this method.
Our guild of 100+ has at least 20 people with the survivor title, and 3 Legendary Survivor's.
With my Canthan born mesmer, about 5 hours (ish).
Now losing my Survivor (2) (just 1K XP short) last night due to some idiotic pug member going AFK took about 30 mins for me not to punch the monitor!
Now losing my Survivor (2) (just 1K XP short) last night due to some idiotic pug member going AFK took about 30 mins for me not to punch the monitor!