My theory for underworld. Got screenshots to back it up. (For VwK Rits Only!!)
chicks boy
Not sure about the 20%, but something is happening with it lately because I had 5 the other night and that was before I got done with the smite crawlers.
First off, since when is using proper grammar being nerdy? So what you are proposing is that if we get close to death our chances of getting ecto increase? Just because you made a slip up does not mean that the run was "frikin hard". Your theory makes very little sense on the whole and it was very had to try to understand how the pictures helped your case at all.
Former Ruling
I think he's trying to say that the difficulty of the spawn is somehow tied to the drop rate of ectos. However, I don't really see what good that theory, even if true, would do.
It's human nature to attempt to impose a pattern or explanation on "random" behavior (although I doubt drops are truly random in the fullest sense of the word).
Difficulty is relative, and I have no idea what you are going on about.
Archon Calran
Well actually this happened to me today too... O.O I kept trying to solo UW (my first time) and i went in about 10 times not being able to the smites because of the Aaxtaxe. I stopped because we had no favor and farmed Vermin a few times but then went back. This time i was sucessful got to the smites and killed all of them and got 2 ectos.
hmm could be true this will casue every1 to get there hp down to 1 then kill the enermys so they get better drops:P
I had ectos drop on my first runs with my Rit... always playing safe. When I got more comfortable with using the build I could take more chances, actually several times balancing on 1 hp before VwK kicking in (once even twice in the same run). But I started getting less and less ectos.
Wow... my story implies the exact opposite of your story. I agree with previous posters. Human nature is always searching (non-existance) ways to control random events.
Wow... my story implies the exact opposite of your story. I agree with previous posters. Human nature is always searching (non-existance) ways to control random events.
Well, I think its all still random, however I see what you mean. I once had 2 groups of smites that were stacked upon each other (total of 9). I got 2 globs out of that group, and one from the first group i pulled. However, i contributed this to the fact that I hadn't farmed in the UW in a while.
A sample of one isn't exactly enough to go on. Otherwise it's just coincidence. Try it out in a controlled environment, dozens of times, and post the results.
i jave a rts and the skils but have never tryed bcoz i though everything runs from the Rts Elite skill now, has anyone got a recent Video of how to do the run, would be great
Since this thread is 100% spec. and 0% fact I'm going to close it.