why my fiery gladius didnt glowing >.<
anyone got this issue?
A Leprechaun
Are you sure its not a plain gladius with a firery mod? Because then it wont glow.
~A Leprechaun~
~A Leprechaun~
I also think the OP may have a plain gladius with a Fiery mod, which would make it Fiery Gladius of ..., but won't give it a flaming skin.
Cow Tale
poor gas on it and lite it! XD
yea just realize that , damn those thing can lead to scamming other ppl. the name is exactly same >.<
Before purchasing one ask to see it outside town. If the seller says no, it is probably a fake.
What req is it mate?
TBH the elonian gladius is actually a surprisingly sought after skin. It is rarer than its *fiery* counterpart. You might just have got yourself a bargain. I have seen several people asking to buy one of these..
TBH the elonian gladius is actually a surprisingly sought after skin. It is rarer than its *fiery* counterpart. You might just have got yourself a bargain. I have seen several people asking to buy one of these..

I think the OP realizes this and thought his sword was the Elonian flaming one. The Tyrian gladius, with a fiery mod, of course, does not flame and is a rather common skin.
A fiery gladius in a trade screen, the glowing kind, will be slightly orange in colour and have waves along the side. A normal gladius will be a straight grey steel thing. It's a very minor way to tell the difference in a trade screen.