is there any difference?
+1 "20% chance while using skills" vs. "chance:20%"
+1 "20% chance while using skills" vs. "chance:20%"
dr love
Cow Tale
id like to know that myself
Um... +1 x% chance while using skills means just that. If you're running 16 Scythe Mastery and use Chilling Victory there's a x% chance that it'll do the damage it does at 17 Scythe Mastery.
Halves [Skill Recharge/Casting Time] of AttributeA spells (Chance: xx%) means that upon starting to cast a spell there's a chance it'll recharge/cast in half the normal time.
Hope this helped.
Halves [Skill Recharge/Casting Time] of AttributeA spells (Chance: xx%) means that upon starting to cast a spell there's a chance it'll recharge/cast in half the normal time.
Hope this helped.
one is just chance on skill use, the other is all time chance of 20%.