Ok, due a couple of factors (me killing my computer, summer break and christmas) I'm going to be unable to login to guild wars for over a month and I was wondering what the period of inactivity is before your charaters are automatically deleted.
Please only post if you're certain ^^
Cheers in advance
Account Inactivity --> Characters Deleted?
I'm 99.9% certain there is no innactivity period, your account will never be deleted, I've been inactive for 3or 4 months before and nothing happened.
Thanks for the quick reply, no they don't delete accounts for inactivity but do characters get deleted if you're away for a period?
Free Runner
No. The only way a character can be deleted on your account is if you do it yourself. You can be inactive for a year and your characters will remain.
Knightsaber Sith
There is no inactivity period; this isn't Diablo2 >_<
last year i was away from guild wars from october 8 till january 15 and there was no problem, i didnt even find a inactivity warn on the eula, think our accounts are kind off permanent.
Smile Like Umean It
Question I temporarily stopped playing Guild Wars; will my characters and items remain intact? Answer Characters are not currently purged from the Guild Wars database due to inactivity. If we change this policy, we will post about this on the Guild Wars website. |
You've got nothing to worry about.
the only problem you will have is when you log back on-----tons of updates that you missed will be done at one time....so prepare for a long wait when you get back (or just log on a little before you want to play again and let the updates get to you). No worrys about the characters being deleted, my brotherinlaw sometimes goes for 5 months without logging on----and then he waits for the updates to catch him up....but never loses a character!
Have a nice break!
Have a nice break!
I had a period of about 5 months without an internet connection, my characters were all there as if I'd never been gone when I came back.
Until ANet announces a change or shuts down the servers, your account, your characters and your inventory are safe from deletion.
Do to game updates, you may find changes to weapon stats - several times this year ANet has altered the stats of various weapons, even the ones in your inventory.
When you log in again, while you download the current client updates, you should check guildwars.com past updates for skill and map changes.
Do to game updates, you may find changes to weapon stats - several times this year ANet has altered the stats of various weapons, even the ones in your inventory.
When you log in again, while you download the current client updates, you should check guildwars.com past updates for skill and map changes.