Why dont i get Faction points?
I was wondering why i don't get faction point's when I'm doing PvP and I did not max out the faction(s) on my account yet. =\
Sli Ander
If you mean FACTION points, I think certain factions don't get point in all pvp. You should be getting Balth faction, but not for Luxon/kurzick.
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hmm i think they put a cap on ammount of balthazar faction u can gain in a certain time (god knows why)
Originally Posted by kamatsu
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Commander Ryker
Balthazar points are also called faction.
Originally Posted by ss1986v2
i dont think Sli Ander was correcting the OP's spelling (the OP spelled it correctly in the title and in his post). i think he was try to specify between "Faction" points (luxon and kurzik) and "Balthazar" points.
The thing is Balthazar are still considered "faction" point's. However, they are different to the Kurzik and Luxon faction that you can aquire. You get Balthazar in Battle Isle's PvP battles, while the PvP battles on the Cantha mainland provide either Kurzik or Luxom faction points (I believe?).
Were you killing Zaishen, or players? If it's the latter, then the faction gain from killing NPCs in PvP is capped @ 2000/day, give or take a thousand. If you were killing players, then you should always get faction.
ah good to know too bad though traps shred through those zaishen elite like a hot knife through butter