Where is a good place to get a pet for a ranger in Nightfall and what pet is it?
I'm a Lvl 6 R/E.
Nightfall Ranger Pet?
My favorite is the crocodile.. but all the pets in Nightfall sucks :S
Originally Posted by TiNkLeR
My favorite is the crocodile.. but all the pets in Nightfall sucks :S
At level 6 you would probably have access to only the Flamingo on the initial island around Kamadan, but I haven't really explored that area for the purpose of obtaining pets yet, so I could be wrong. If you wait a little while you can pick up a Crocodile in the Blacktide Den area.
Crocodiles were introduced in place of Pygmy Hippos, and that really dissapointed me. Probably the single most amazing part of the Nightfall preview - other than the awesome environments and new classes - was the idea that I could actually have a Pygmy hippo as a pet. When I found out that they had been replaced for a lizard - which can already be found on other continents - my Ranger and I were mutually crushed ='(
If you wait for a while you can obtain a Hyena, but that's quite a ways off into the game, around the Bone Palace area, which will take you a bit to get to. As it is now, I think you're going to be stuck with a flambouyant pink bird (not sure if these make noises), unless you can find something else around the first mission zones.
Crocodiles were introduced in place of Pygmy Hippos, and that really dissapointed me. Probably the single most amazing part of the Nightfall preview - other than the awesome environments and new classes - was the idea that I could actually have a Pygmy hippo as a pet. When I found out that they had been replaced for a lizard - which can already be found on other continents - my Ranger and I were mutually crushed ='(
If you wait for a while you can obtain a Hyena, but that's quite a ways off into the game, around the Bone Palace area, which will take you a bit to get to. As it is now, I think you're going to be stuck with a flambouyant pink bird (not sure if these make noises), unless you can find something else around the first mission zones.

Shadow Kurd
T N Player
not too far in the game u can get a loin or a loiness or a rat, they r cool but the hyena rules
this soudns dumb but.. can u tame sum1 else pet? like a boss..
it says that sergeant behnwa in Turai's procession has a lvl 15 elder hyena as a pet.
it says that sergeant behnwa in Turai's procession has a lvl 15 elder hyena as a pet.
No, you can't tame a pet that has already been tamed.
k thanks, didnt think so..

Maria The Princess
right outside Yohlon (further on) there will be a whole croud of aggressive lions. kill most except 4-5 and then charm one